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I got hacked.
on emailprovider website gmx.deI assume it was a basic method by sneeking my cookies and finding out my stored password.What I learned in the aftermath of this terrible experience of being hacked on multiple accounts at the same time, l...
choose multiple bookmarks in folder with right click or / and checkbox and then open/ delete/ copythem
going to bookmarks now means you can open one at the time
when you have a rather complex structure in your bokmarks with perhaps several submenus i...
when synchronizing your bookmarks over more than one computer, the favicons are not copied with the link itself.
result: a very unpleasant look in your bookmark menu after new bookmarks came in.
with favicons the navigation is much easier
so... let t...
when visiting a website or a certain bookmark it is easy to right click / copy the link
when you want to share multiple links / bookmarks at the same time to save time,for example a complete folder of bookmarks, you have to do it one by one.
more con...
i am happy, when i can use websites and i have to fill out something, that certain websites can store the pre-entered info for me and i dont have to type all again.
for example:
i want to ship something.
when i click into the field for first name a...