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New member
Status: New idea

It would provide an easy one click option to delete an email without clicking the email itself and opening it.  Adding a trash button next to the star button in card view would be helpful without actually opening up the email much like how it is in Outlook would be very helpful.

Strollin' around

I agree that we have to delete much more than anything else in our inboxes. I think that button is a must to make the application feel efficient to use.

Also would be nice to get some update from the devs about this very demanded idea 😀

New member

Definitely a much needed feature for those of us that prefer the Card view over the Table view. Simply put, it's doable, it's logical, people are asking for it. Let's please get it. 🙏

New member

I've created a simple mock-up with the trash can added to the cards.

Group 1.png



Keyboard shortcuts - perform common Thunderbird tasks ?

Delete message, folder, attachment, or selected search text
New member


This request is not about context menus. It's about having the ability to quickly delete emails having never viewed them. So you can zip down the card view and click trash trash trash because that's efficient.

New member

As mlowery0 said: "Please add the Delete button to the cards. And please add the Mark as Junk and Archive buttons as well." I signed up too so that I could upvote this suggestion.

Strollin' around

It would be so nice to just go through my inbox and delete/archive/junk/mark as [un]read/star items at quick glance with one single click.

In a world where other email apps offer that and/or offer swipe gestures for those same actions to remove extra steps, it seems silly that Thunderbird currently offers neither (or it does offer a one-click button but just for marking a message with a star which can be be much less frequently used compared to delete/archive.)

This should definitely be added to help streamline common actions & meet the convenient conventions of other email clients (swipe gestures would also be great for similar reasons, but the icon buttons [maybe only showing the full set of actions on mouseover/focus, if clutter is a concern?] would be a more universal improvement.)

New member

2025 and still no updates. What the he*k!!!