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New member
Status: New idea

I'd like to see an option to Lock or Unlock tabs. This would keeps tabs from being closed by accident or if installed software is causing issues (perhaps extensions or the like, which I suspect in my case which my pinned webmail tab closes at random times).

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Agree. It would also be nice to make such tabs to somehow stand out of the other tabs, like maybe move them to the left and remove the labels... although I guess then it should be called a little different. Maybe "pin"? 😉

New member

lock un onglet

donner la possibilité de locker un onglet pour éviter de le fermer sans faire exprès.
ça demanderait lorsqu'on la ferme si on souhaite vraiment fermer la page.
ça peut être utile je trouve.

lock a tab

give the possibility to lock a tab to avoid closing it accidentally. it would ask when you close it if you really want to close the page. it can be useful I think.

Making moves


Making moves

I'd like to see both Pin Tab and Pin and Lock Tab on the contextual right-click menus for tabs. Pinning tabs loses a lot of functionality when you can accidentally navigate away from the pinned site by accident. Adding Lock gives you both functions for those who want them.