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Making moves
Status: New idea

Particularly in light of the prominence tags now have in Thunderbird, please allow for the ability to sort and also manually reorder them.


New member

I use tags intensively. But when I add a new tag they are sorted alphabetically. I would like to sort by my own. Is this possible?

Not applicable

@goetzibubuTo what application is this question related?

New member

The ability to arrange TAGS

There should be an ability to arrange TAGS for personal use.  Either to mouse move them or a link to allow this.  Whenever I have a new important TAG to add, it goes to the bottom of the already listed ones.

Status changed to: New idea
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@CONAN just to confirm, is this idea for the Thunderbird product?

Want to make sure it gets in front of the right team 👍

New member

Yes, thank you, for the Mozilla Thunderbird Emails.  "Tag" link on top on Thunderbird Emails.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Great, thanks for the additional info!

Strollin' around

The ability to create custom TAGS in Thunderbird already exists, but the ability to sort newly tagged items in preferential order does not. I definitely support adding that feature.

New member

sort tags in tag list


there was an addon that allowed to SORT the tags in tag list in TB options menu.

but that addon doesnt work anymoe for years...

please put that possibility into to option menu - somebody uses maybe 15tags or more and  it comes handy to sort the list

thank you. 

see attachements

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

I like using the shortcut number for Tagging emails. Every time I add a new tag, it changes the number shortcut for a previous tag.

ie: Important #1, money received is #7 but now is #9 because I added 2 new tags. I want to be able to choose the short cut number. I keep mislabeling my emails because of it.


New member

Yes, that would be awesome!  I use many tags daily, and this would be a huge benefit.  Also Tag Syncing between multiple devices would be amazing.  Please, seriously consider these suggestions.

New member

I'd also like to have this feature. I use tags to color-code incoming mails, drawing my attention to the most important ones. These tags are assigned using complex rules when downloading the mails. Sometimes more than one tag applies.

Currently I don't have any option to influence the order of the tags. They are not ordered by name. Each new tag is added to the bottom of the taglist.

Adding an option to manually reorder the sequence would solve my issue.

Making moves

Yes, please do give us the ability to re-order tags. I can create new ones and I can change the colours but I can't change the order they are listed.

New member

Already having the underlying infrastructure in place would be great. Namely, next to `mailnews.tags.IMAPFLAG.color` for the tag's color and `mailnews.tags.IMAPFLAG.tag` for the tag's name, a property `mailnews.tags.IMAPFLAG.order` should be added to indicate the order (for example using an integer). (Here `IMAPFLAG` is the internal identifier used to, e.g., store them together with the message on an IMAP server.) Of course `IMAPFLAG.order` should then be used (integer order, lowest first) instead of `IMAPFLAG` (alphabetic order, lowest first). Once this infrastructure is in place, we can already access it using about:config. The interface can then come later.