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Status: Delivered

Add Turkish as a supported language for translations in Firefox.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

We released a handful of new languages for translations today - including support for Turkish โžก๏ธ English translations. And we are working to make the translations go two ways (English โ†”๏ธ Turkish).

Please feel free to continue sharing feedback/ideas for this feature and stay tuned for more updates.

New member
the translation model from turkish to English works very well and is quite useful in most cases. I write this text using firefox translations. I am waiting for the publication of the English โžก๏ธ Turkish translation model.

We are training the English -> Turkish translation model, we are hoping to complete the training and release it in July.

Making moves

Why is there still no Turkish? There is no Turkish in the language download options and there is no automatic translation suggestion for the page.

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

Support for Turkish translations has been deliveredโ€”check it out, and as always please continue sharing feedback and ideas to improve the Firefox experience ๐Ÿ™Œ

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Thorah Turkish translations should be available. Are you using the latest version of Firefox?

Making moves

Yes, I am using the latest version. But since there is no Turkish language pack download, there is no translation suggestion. The translation symbol in the address bar does not appear.Why is the translation symbol not fixed in the address bar? If there was a translation shortcut button in the address bar like in Chrome, this problem would be solved.