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New member
Status: New idea

Hi there. I really like the new PDF reader. It's almost everything I want. The one feature I didn't see, which I find so useful in my work, is the ability to easily break up documents. This is a feature of Preview on the Mac, which allows you to drag pages from the thumbnails list onto the desktop to create a new document. The only other PDF reader out there that seems to have this feature without paying for it is Wondershare.


Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Split and merge PDF.

admin use case:

1. merge pdf invoice and their annexes, split HR documents per theme, ...

2. annotate when you processed the invoice, timestamp when you received the pdf

New member

Gestion des Vignettes / Thumbnail Management


Avec l'application "Aperรงu" sur MacOs, il y a aussi la possibilitรฉ de gรฉrer les vignettes correspondant ร  chaque page d'un Pdf. Sauf que contrairement ร  "Aperรงu", Firefox ne permet pas :

- de supprimer des vignettes (donc des pages). Trรจs intรฉressant, notamment quand il y a des pages blanches intermรฉdiaires. Mais pas seulement.

- de glisser un pdf, donc ajouter une page ou plusieurs d'une autre source, ce qui peut permettre de composer un document final.


With the "Preview" application on MacOs, there is also the possibility of managing the thumbnails corresponding to each page of a PDF. Except that unlike "Preview", Firefox does not allow:

- to delete thumbnails (and therefore pages). Very interesting, especially when there are intermediate blank pages. But not only.

- to drag a PDF, therefore adding a page or several from another source, which can allow you to compose a final document.


Like I mentioned in the related idea PDF Editor - add tool to delete and insert pages , this feature is in our roadmap, just not sure when we'll start working on it.

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Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)