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New member
Status: In development

i have switched from chrome since past 1 month and firefox is just better. the only thing i did not find easy is the option for having multiple profiles to be used at ease, could be better if there was one to easily access seperate profiles for work and home

Strollin' around

I don't know if you are aware, but there are profiles in firefox already, even though they may be a bit hidden. They are not exactly what you are proposing, I think, though.

You can check

New member

I use in the same windows session, 2 differents workspace because i'm freelance. The first is my personnel one. I would find bookmark, history to my personnal use. the second workspace is professionnal. the last version of chrome should be you inspiration for the UX and the easy way to switch.


New member

Will this be available on firefox anytime soon? This is so frustrating to even try to use firefox for multiple profiles and now almost everyone has to use multiple profile for work college and personal. Can any firefox dev comment whether it is in roadmap or not?

Strollin' around

Is there some way users can help advance this request? It was first proposed eight years ago on a different thread.

New member

Firefox, I want to switch to you from chrome SO BADLY. Please make this happen!! It's 2024. I'm multi-tasking all over the place. Work, Service, School, Personal, I use different accounts. For security, for convenience, for mental health.

This is such a basic feature that all modern browsers worth their salt have now days. It's a pity that Firefox doesn't. This is stopping me from switching. This is a MUST HAVE.

If a request has this much engagement over 4 years, please listen to user requests!!!

New member

As soon as a streamlined profile switcher is available, I'll be switching from Chrome. I need 1) to be able to clearly see what profile I'm using at a glance, and 2) to be able to switch between profiles with a button click or open a new window for a given profile without going through the awful about:profiles interface.

Strollin' around

Build in Profile Switcher

A build in and easy to use profile switcher would be great.
There is already a addon called "Profile Switcher for Firefox" from nulldev. Maybe it's possible to implement it or something similar directly into the browser?

New member

It's strange to me that the only real response this feature has gotten is "Why would you want that?"


As if asking that suddenly makes everyone go "Oh hey, this is definitely NOT a feature I value, nevermind."

New member

Long time Firefox user here (10+ years), and I just switched to Chrome so I can manage multiple business profiles who all use the same services. Chrome makes it lightening fast and easy, even far easier than 3rd party extensions in Firefox.

New member

I hate Chrome, but I have to have this feature in order to function in my day to day life so I am stuck with Chrome until this is a feature on Firefox. Please bring this to Firefox!!!

New member

I am dependent on this feature a lot. I want to keep my personal profile and work profile separate and when I work I want to switch between them easily. With recent changes coming to chrome, I am trying to switch badly to firefox but looking at this thread makes me sad as it was created so long ago and not any changes related to it has arrived. I am manually using shortcuts from taskbar but it has been a pain to switch quickly. Please dev add this feature soon. I want to use the fox

Strollin' around

I know it's not the same thing but give tab containers a try. It's build in to firefox. Just click and hold the new tab button.
But still separate profiles in separate windows is superior for me. Firefox has that capability out of the box, but it's not that easy to use that chromes profile switcher.

Making moves

On this topic of multiple profiles, I had seen post a few weeks/months back suggesting Google "sponsors" Mozilla, directly or indirectly through ad-revenue or other benefit. Perhaps Google has either gently advised Mozilla to not add multi-profile functionality, which Google and Mozilla both know is the one huge differentiator between Chrome and Firefox. Or perhaps Mozilla holds back on developing certain functionality for fear of losing such "sponsorship" from Google. Interesting ideas. Has anyone found anymore info on or been able to confirm this?

Strollin' around

Has there been any acknowledgement from Mozilla about this?

New member

I definitely agree with this, I'd be more likely to switch to Firefox full time, as would my colleagues if we were able to have a quick switch option between our work profiles and personal profiles. Currently Chrome and other browsers make this really easy to do.