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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

When performing a download on Firefox for Android with the External Download Manager option ticked, you get to chose which download manager you would like to use as well as having the option to complete the download with Firefox anyway. This can be particularly annoying when downloading many files one after another. As such setting a default download manager along with adding a small indicator to say a download has been added would be a good addition.

TL;DR: Prevent the need for this popup by adding the ability to set a default download manager.2022-07-20-13-40-04-263444.png

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

One of the worst thing about firefox is download feature. It is most irritated does not properly works and download feature must be upgraded now.

Making moves

Any updates on this issue? I want to use an external download manager but every time I want to download something I get a prompt without a way to make it a default.

Strollin' around

This is very annoying and still not fixed.

New member
