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Status: New idea

Firefox has reading list in IOS version but not in desktop version so where the reading list goes when I sync my devices ?, please add reading list to desktop version to access offline to websites without using pocket, like chrome 😐

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves


Firefox needs a reading list and sidebar like chrome and edge which should be made import and exportable in case of browser switch.


Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: a similar idea has been merged into this thread)

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Community Manager

@New_light thanks for the great post! To keep the conversation focused in one place, this thread is for the reading list idea. If you wish to vote for and join the conversation about sidebars, visit: 2nd Sidebar 

New member

I've been doing a bit of "internet cleanup" today between the web browser, iOS browser, and sync. for the last few years I've been saving articles and websites in a saved messages folder on Telegram, but I'm quickly moving away from that platform and adopted the Mozilla chat through Element for better security. I have all these links in Telegram and first considered Pocket, but quickly realized that requires downloading another app to my iPhone where there is no seamless integration between the Firefox iOS browser, Firefox desktop browser, and Pocket. (OI!) So then I looked at the Reading List option in the Firefox iOS browser. My first thoughts were ones of elation...and then very quickly fizzled to angst and disappointment when realizing the Reading List is not available in the Firefox desktop browser even though I have all devices synced. 😞 I realize it will take quite a long while for this feature to be added to the desktop broswer and it's all based on user demand. Makes sense. But this seems a bit inefficient, wouldn't you say? One would think features available in one breed of browser would be available in all since the coding and development is essentially the same (minus the platform specific coding requirements, of course). I guess I have no option but to create a bah-zillion more Firefox bookmarks, which just isn't efficient or very well organized. So if you could just bypass all the boilerplate jargon of "oh, we can't do anything unless there is user demand" that would be great because whether it's two users now who are asking or 10,000, it's still demand no matter how you look at it.

New member

A syncing Reading list for desktop and mobile

Why has the mobile version a Reading list but the desktop version doesn't?

I know the desktop version has pocket integrated and there are multiple extensions for this but those don't sync with the mobile version.

Not applicable

+1 for this. I’m primarily a Mac user but since I also use a Windows PC, and because Origin is only on Firefox , I use Firefox.


But Safari has that sweet sweet reading list feature in both mobile and desktop versions, and it syncs between them to boot!

Please create an reading list feature in Firefox that syncs using Firefox sync.   


Pocket is difficult to use and it seems more concerned in suggesting articles to you than managing a user-defined reading list.  

New member

synchronization in the reading list

hello, a great improvement would be to include synchronization for the reading list, as for example it happens in safari that you can see the same files on all devices.

In the same way, incorporate it into the desktop browser for Mac Os, in my opinion it is one of the few things that this great browser lacks to be perfect

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(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

another thing that does not make sense that the reading lists between ipad and iphone are not synchronized, what is the use if each one shows different things?

New member

Hi all, any updates on this? Is this a feature on the roadmap for Firefox on MacOS? @Jon 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for reaching out, @pintveld! Let me check with the team to see if there are any updates.

New member

Of course there are no updates! This topic has been "in discussion" for quite a long time, and all that is being done is monitoring of comments, moving them around, consolidating posts, blah blah blah. No updates provided, and therefore no consideration is being taken of user concern. I expect true world peace to happen and lipstick wearing pink pigs to fly before this request is: 1) taken seriously; 2) seriously considered; 3) put into development; and 4) released. Sorry, not sorry.

New member

yes, totally weird that the iOS version has this and the Desktop version not. sync it.

New member

yes add this feature. I was totally confused that I can bookmark stuff to read later on iOS and then finding out that my Mac version of Firefox doesn't show these to-read items.