Ctrl + Click on tabs to quickly group them together.Also, drag a tab onto another to group it.
Drag a tab into a group to add it to a group.
Drag a tab out of a group to remove it from the group.
Shift + Click a tab to remove it from a group.
Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.
Similar ideas here:
Native Tab Grouping / More Customizable Tab bar
automatic tab grouping
An additional idea for the tabs:
- allow for tab group to be dragged and positioned somewhere else in between other tabs.
- color change for the tab group
- naming/renaming of the tab group
Keep up the great work!
Also similar to: https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/firefox-adding-a-two-level-tab-stacks-like-in-vivaldi/idi-p/143...