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New member
Status: New idea

Also, provide a blacklist function so that users can manually have more sites blocked, and a whitelist function to manually unblock specified paywall sites. This provides more power to the user to determine what content is provided and what is not.

New member

Flag "Recommended by Pocket" articles that require a subscription

So tired of clicking articles that look interesting, only to be greeted with a massive content-blocking "subscribe now to continue reading" article.  You know, chrome is starting to look pretty good.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Please provide an option to exclude content that's behind a paywall. Or at the very least, have a banner of some sort informing you that pay-walled content lies ahead.

Overall, the idea of a blocklist/allowlist sounds great. Where you can add 'categories' that you never want to see, as well as specific sites. And if a site is part of a blocked category, but you want to see it, the allow list should assist with that.

New member

At the very least, identify those article links that have paywalls perhaps with a little $ in the corner of the box. That way we can choose whether or not to go there and pay or log in and not waste our time backing out.