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Making moves
Status: New idea

Firefox should ask for primary password/system password only when you want to view the passwords in about:logins, not every time when you open the browser . This thing it's already in chromium browsers, when i click to view the password.

Let's be honest. For example my pc is opened and someone wants to look for something online, they don't know my system password (pc password) and asking for the primary password when they open firefox is unacceptable, they can view my passwords afterwards. Primary password should be asked only when you want to autocomplete a field or to view passwords.

Strollin' around

Every time I open firefox there is a main password login popup, which is an annoying design. Why not refer to chrome's design for password management, which automatically fills in the password when it is needed, and only requires login to view the password. Also, the need to be logged in to sync feels a bit inexplicable.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

another thing in the same context. we should be able to adjust how frequently firefox will ask for master password like 5 mins, 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, per session. this way when we are working on our personal computer with someone, we may need to login to a website then we enter the master password but this way we enable all the private information. the other person might take a look at our passwords when we are getting a coffe or stuff. you know.

safari asks for master password every time i need to enter a saved password. or this is an idea, firefox might ask for the master password every time i need to access the saved passwords

New member

This is exactly my problem too. I don't want to type my master password (which would be at least somewhat complicated) every time i open the browser. The option you described should definitely be available.

New member

When I login to any site I get a pop-up asking to save ID and Password.  The default appears to be "save" unless I click on "don't save".  This is bad security because it stores my ID and Password on my PC.  Anybody that gets on my PC can go to my Bank login screen and ID and password are automatically filled in, thus negating ID and password security. 

I suggest that the default be "don't save".  Some people may believe leaving the vault door open is worth the risk for convenience, but I don't.

New member

my comment was as close as I could find to compromising ID and password security.  It is is in the same ball, if not in the same seat in the stands.

New member

SAME x100

New member

This is the same I do not understood the logic on firefox, I prefer the way of edge the main password only required when you want to the view the password saved in the system.

New member

Exactly, I was about to create a new discussion about this.

Why pop a message to enter master password at browser launch. It should appear only when passwords need to be accessed for login purpose. Or may be Firefox people use this to sign in to Firefox account itself? But that pop up is really annoying

New member

Super duper annoying. And also revealing. I use my browser for work as a register for checkout and there are usually clients standing right next to me when I open my browser. People can watch me type my PRIMARY password like every time I do checkout. Ugh so dumb.

New member

I realize this is a built-in method to confirm the Mozilla user and record his browsing, I simply X out the popup and continue browsing until I need autofill (at which time I will receive that popup again).