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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Officially updating the status to 'In development' as our team is working hard to bring this feature to Firefox.

Thanks for the votes and insights (this thread, along with all other tab group related threads here on Connect, has been shared with the team) and of course stay tuned for more updates 🙌

Making moves

Officially updating the status to 'In development' as our team is working hard to bring this feature to Firefox.


Strollin' around

Officially updating the status to 'In development' as our team is working hard to bring this feature to Firefox.

Let's gooooo!!!!!
Finally! I can't explain enough how excited I am for this!

Obviously I hope it comes as soon as possible but I rather have the Team do it right the first time than rush it.

Just for the team again, my main points that I would love to have are:
- Tab Group Colours (More than 14 [Please give the Option to set complete own colours])
- Tab Group Headers minimum width (I personally really like that Firefox has generally much higher minimum width compared to Edge and Chrome and I would prefer it on the tab groups as well)
- Rename Tab Groups (Thats obvious)
- Save/Load/Export Tab Groups (Makes it easier to use and share them, maybe even an option to bookmark a Tab Group as a Tab Group? Feature that isnt being done by anyone else?)
- Option to Unload Tab Group (This might be able to be done by an extension but it could save a lot of memory)

Also this could maybe also be useful or fun to combine with Containers.


Anyway, I'm really excited to hear the Team is taking a jab at it!
Even though it's been some time, lets get this feature rolling!


Making moves

It seems like we will have to wait til at least  they know what things are going to look like on the vertical tabs layout (Libreddit link). 

Strollin' around

Yes, great feature suggestion and I'm not even sure how this kind of things that used to be Firefox specialty in terms of UX have all watered down through the years... Dev team may have less input themselves now?...

Anyway, I do support this. Some solutions exist on the Addon realm but they're not solid nor integrated enough to depend on them while Firefox itself keeps advancing without it. The cookie group separator for Work / Personal tabs it's just fine but we need plain tab grouping without a different set of cookies available. Thanks

Strollin' around

Where can we track the feature status, nightly builds etc?

New member

My work uses Edge as their primary browser and I recently discovered tab grouping on Edge which, as someone with AS and ADHD-I I have found greatly improved my organization and work productivity. I personally however use FIrefox on my personal devices and the fact that Firefox does not have such a fantastic feature for organizing tabs (I open tons of them XD) is surprising.

I read that in 2011 that Firefox had this, it was called "Panorama" but was removed in 2016? I honestly believe it would be a great addition in terms of organization and workflow to have a built in grouping feature for tabs akin to what Edge has. Color coded, renamable, etc. Please consider adding a built in tab grouping feature!

New member

How did we get to 2024 and this seemingly simple feature has still not been added?!

New member

Without a doubt, tab groups are a functionality that is greatly missed in Firefox, since it is quite useful for those of us who manage many tabs and different themes.

Examples like Yandex, Vivaldi and Chrome seem to me to do a good job in that sense, but why hasn't Firefox been able to do something that other browsers can do?

Let's hope that very soon we can see this functionality in Firefox, and why not something more advanced by stacking tabs by servers or in a personalized way like in Vivaldi.

Strollin' around

This, this, this. Google Chrome has a much better UI/UX than Firefox in some respects and this is one of them.

Firefox needs horizontal tab grouping, collapsible and color-coded. Hell, even make containers collapsible and maybe I'd actually use that feature lol.

New member

I work with over 500 tabs at a time in one session and my workflow is very heavy (multiple projects at a time, everything in one single window)

+1 for chrome-like color coded horizontal tab groups. I'm surprised this isn't a built-in feature in Firefox yet.

None of the extensions on firefox match the simplicity and intuitive design of tab groups on chrome. I'm planning on switching to Firefox entirely but critically missing features like these make me want to go back to chrome.

Tree style tabs take page-wide horizontal space which seriously impacts web browsing space and reduces the overall experience.

Having to click 3 times with Simple Tab Groups is too much of a hassle every single time for every group.

Direct comparison between Firefox and Chrome if I simply want to search for a tab across all groups, assuming I don't know the title name. Let's start with Firefox and Simple Tab Switcher -

  • Click extension, then read tab group name,
  • Click the tab group to open it and read names of all tabs (vertically, in the extension popup),
  • try to find a tab which I don't remember by name, and if it's not in the current group,
  • click to switch back to any other group, repeat the whole process again until I find the tab I need

Vs chrome - where all of this uses just 1 click per group at a time with horizontal tab groups, and simply hovering over tabs show the title of the page/tab name along with a quick preview and icon, and I can instantly eyeball tab names and previews while hovering, then load or jump anywhere in a few seconds, expand and collapse in one click, with no compromises to my browsing space.

This makes a HUGE difference in speed and workflow... I just can't compromise on that when I'm working with 500+ tabs and multiple projects at a time.

Chrome style tab groups is a critically needed missing feature for Firefox!

Making moves
Strollin' around

Will the tab groups be 'syncable' between phone and pc like on safari?

Strollin' around


Officially updating the status to 'In development' as our team is working hard to bring this feature to Firefox.

Thanks for the votes and insights (this thread, along with all other tab group related threads here on Connect, has been shared with the team) and of course stay tuned for more updates

Oh heck yeah!! Super happy to hear this, it's about time!! 🥳

Making moves

Jon, when can we expect to see tab groups this year, and first in Nightly?