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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

Agrupación de pestañas

Buenos días. Me gusta usar Firefox, sin embargo, le falta agrupar las pestañas para tener más orden.

Tab grouping

Good morning. I like using Firefox, however, it lacks the ability to group tabs to have more order.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around

I just noticed that Chrome has a submenu to see the tab groups:

Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 10.08.40.png

It's located in their main menu, I think it's a bit weird there though, instead, it should show in their main "Tab" menu.

On firefox I believe it could show show as a sub menu in the List All Tabs  menu. Without forgetting the history.


New member

This is the #1 thing keeping me from using Firefox at work. Can't believe there isn't an extension that solves this either, they all have some sort of other "solution" that really doesn't work as well as native tab grouping in... every other browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, etc...). Come on Mozilla!

New member


New member

Manual grouping is fine, but I prefer the automatic way to get a good organizational overview, so I'm posting this idea:
Native Grouping of Tabs by Host/Website with Integrated Dropdown for Subtabs


@bric3 You can find the saved tab groups in the list all tabs button on the top-bar

Familiar face

So far I love the Tab Grouping feature in Firefox Beta. All that's missing (in my opinion) is the ability to drag/drop collapsed tab groups within and between windows. There's a context-menu option to move tab groups into a new window, but it's not the same.

New member

the tab group function could work with the container tabs?  like auto group by purpose, like shopping page: amazon, newegg, Costco is automatic group in shopping container? will it be implemented?

New member

@tarekel  @Jon I would like to know what the progress is now: is there an automatic tab group function being implemented either based on site domain or type of page? Also, it would be great to have tabs  collected and put into same type of container.

New member

Salve al Team di Firefox. Sono da poco passato a MacOS con la versione Catalina e ho avuto difficolta ad installare chrome in quanto unico browser che ho sempre utilizzato. Vorrei chiedere se fosse possibile implementare un modo per racchiudere piu schede aperte decise dall'utente in un gruppo di sua scelta, ad esempio le schede YouTube, Netflix o Prime Video in una cartella chiamata "AUDIO E VIDEO". Un altro esempio sono Amazon o Ebay in una scheda chiamata acquisti. Ovviamente ogni gruppo di scheda dovrà avere un nome rinominabile dall'utente. Questo aiuterebbe anche me per fare in modo di trasferirmi sul vostro browser in maniera definitiva e non utilizzandolo come Browser secondario. Ringrazio chi soddisfi la mia richiesta, magari anche in versione beta.

Grouping cards in groups of units. Hello to the Firefox team. I have recently passed to Macos with the Catalina version and I had difficulty installing Chrome as the only browser I have always used. I would like to ask if it was possible to implement a way to enclose more open cards decided by the user in a group of his choice, for example the YouTube cards, Netflix or first video in a folder called "audio and video". Another example are Amazon or eBay in a card called purchases. Obviously, each group of card must have a renameable name by the user. This would also help me to make sure to move to your browser in a definitive way and not using it as a secondary browser. I thank those who satisfy my request, perhaps even in a beta version. A hug Gabriele Morra

Un abbraccio 

Gabriele Morra

New member

I just want to add to the pile that this idea would be so good. Even Edge has something similar already. I hope it gets added soon.

Making moves

For anyone who wants to use tab groups, you can enable it by setting "browser.tabs.groups.enabled" to true in "about:config". It's not a finished feature, but I've been using it for a while now and it's great. After version 135 was recently released it works even better than before.

Strollin' around

Been trying the tab groups beta for a few days now. So far so good!

The following three features are required to make it actually useful for me:

- "Permanent tab groups": I want to be able to have my tab groups readily available (even if empty) to drag'n'drop tabs into, not always have to go through "Create new tab group" in case I accidentally close the last tab in a group. A simple "Permanent group": true|false option would suffice for this.

- "Logical tab creation": When I'm _inside_ a tab group and create a new tab, it should open inside the tab group, not outside. Not a biggie, but would be so comfortable.

- "Arrange tab groups": I should be able to re-arrange the order of the tab groups!

The following feature would be great as well:

- "Pin inside group": If I pin a tab in a group, I want that pin to stay inside the group, not global.
