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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

I personally love the way you can have it in Microsoft Edge now - native Vertical tabs with tab groups. It's very handy that way (


+1 on this feature


Strollin' around

Safari has a good take on tab groups in my opinion as well. It's simply a tab located in the sidebar which is a good idea I think. It seems to be comparable to the Edge solution which I don't like too much because of the vertical arrangement of tabs. At the end of the day I think I'd be fine either way.

The following video demonstrates (in under a minute) how tab groups are used in Safari on macOS devices:

New member

Please bring group tabbing to firefox, I prefer this browser but I've considered changing just to have that feature alone.

Making moves

Just here to add one vote to this. REALLY need decent tab grouping feature, please!

New member

Tap Grouping

I really hope that tap grouping such as Edge/Brave has include in next FF update as well as Efficiency mode.

Thanks 🙂  


New member

firefox should have tabs group

I'd like to use firefox but it hasn't group tab function as google chrome or microsoft edge.

This function should be added to firefox.

thank you

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around

Is there any update from the internal Team?
Any progress?

Also any questions we could anwser in terms of implementation?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @Vinci480, thanks for following up. Let me see if there are any updates we can share or potential questions 😃

New member

Recently, due to a work limitation I have been forced to use Edge exclusively for a client. Due to the needs of this client I routinely have 8-16 tabs open at any given time. My ability to name and color tab groups and then apply them as a set of vertical tabs has been a game changer from a productivity aspect. I work on widescreen monitors and typically the web interfaces that I use end up with more "dead space" horizontally than they do vertically. Meaning that I don't mind sacrificing a little more screen space on the left side of my screen if it means that I can get the full names of my tab groups to render.

However, I don't like supporting Chrome or Chrome like browsers. I remember when IE was pushed on everyone and NN started dying off. The original Mozilla browser came along and I loved it, faster, better extensibility. Firefox came soon after that and I have been a die-hard supporter since. I worry that without more reason to continue using Firefox I'll be forced to use some version of Chrome.

I understand that there are ways to make tab-grouping a thing via extensions. This isn't the solution to this problem that works well in my use case. Extensions are great when they make sense but if I need a half a dozen extensions to get the base user experience I need to be productive, the browser is no longer performing to meet my needs.

I appreciate everything that the Mozilla dev teams and foundation have done for the community over the years, and I want to continue supporting them, but I understand if they are moving in a direction that is incompatible with my specific needs.

Thank you for reading this (overlong) post, I hope that it has been (at least a bit) helpful.

New member

I doubt anyone will read this, especially at Firefox. I love Firefox and will continue to use it and advocate for it, but tab groups like those found on chrome, Edge, and Brave are a must. I generally use Edge for work as I work multiple remote jobs and tab groups help me stay organized. I still use Firefox daily for school and leisure-related things.


Making moves

Tanner2000, I completely agree with you!
Nowadays, grouping of tabs, and spaces, is a very important, simply necessary thing, people read a lot, watch a lot of things, it is difficult to do without grouping of tabs, it is simply difficult, and almost all browsers have grouping for a long time, and why Firefox still does not have it, a very important mystery, I am also a fan of Firefox, but it is difficult to accept, that there is no banal grouping or spaces, and even more than once I wanted to give up Firefox, someone says, install an extension for grouping, but these extensions are not ideal, the more extensions, the more security is lost, extensions are less optimized, and they consume computer resources, they simply slow down the browser and the speed of loading pages.

New member

So far I've used major browsers but I chose to continue with Mozilla for these reasons:

  • Eats lesser processes as compared to other browsers
  • Desktop-Mobile synchronization is very good
  • Attractive themes
  • Community (Non Profit Goals)

This missing feature will decide whether I should continue with Mozilla further:

  • Tab grouping

Team, please fix this at your earliest. This will make your browser the best in market.

Strollin' around

Hey @Jon any info on that Update? 😄

Just curious how its looking since Rayf mentioned that they wanted to look into it etc.

Making moves

Firefox developers, don't forget to make spaces in addition to grouping tabs, it's also a very cool thing.
Please do it in 2023.