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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

Please implement native mouse gestures in the desktop browser (I am personally on Windows) like in Opera. The current implementations from add-ons are very unreliable, finicky or don't work at all in some placed, e.g. in a New tab, Settings, while the mouse is over a video (in YT, for example) etc. Thank you for considering it.

New member

It is suggested to add the "Mouse Gesture" feature to the softwares.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

New member

I cannot upvote this enough. Gestures are awesome, but only if those work across the whole app. I've installed Gesturefy extension recently, and it reminded me of times when Firefox had gestures working everywhere (I don't recall if this was done via extension or was it native, but I really miss those).

I guess its due to extension security reasons, but surely there has to be a way to bring this functionality back without compromising security...

Making moves

This would be great for people who don't have precision touchpads - they're not able to use the touch gestures.

Making moves


The native mouse gestures could work better than these third-party extensions, these extension don't work on some special pages.

I tried some other browsers for mouse gesture and found cent browser and maxthon, their mouse gesture is very smooth and convenient.

I think it would be better for general users that Firefox could implement it.

Making moves

Though some third-party extensions can do the same work. Maybe due to security issue, these extension don't work on some special pages, eg:

  • new tab page,
  • Settings page,
  • Manage extensions page,
  • These "about:xxx" pages,
  • the pages that are in loading status
  • ...etc

I tried some other browsers for mouse gesture, found cent browser and maxthon that provide native mouse gestures which is very smooth and convenient. Their native mouse gestures work better than these third-party extensions.

I think it would be better for general users that Firefox could implement it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: a similar idea has been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around

we need Fire Gestures back, the ContentScript based workarounds are way limited due to API restrictions

New member

One of the main reasons why I haven't completely switched to Firefox yet.

Strollin' around

I agree, this is the main reason why I haven't been able to make Firefox my primary browser yet.

New member

Firefox will Build in Native Mouse Gesture?

As Chrome has added mouse gestures in the new version , Firefox will follow? Native mouse gestures is very important and useful function for some users.....looking forward it

New member

I use firefox to manage gitlab in an air-gapped network (zero Internet connectivity) and no extensions are allowed (security blah blah blah). Having native gestures would be so, so wonderful!

New member

Bumping this request. This feature is the main reason I still use Vivaldi instead of Firefox on desktop.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Firefox would certainly be my browser of choice if I could use gestures everywhere. I tried to use an addon but it was limited and not being able to use it on the browser as a whole, and especially on a new tab, was frustrating. As soon as this gets implemented I'm ditching my old browser for Firefox