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New member
Status: Trending idea

The Multi-Account Containers extension is a very useful addon as it prevents websites from accessing all your browsing data by limiting it inside containers. I love this so much as it enhances the privacy. For example, I keep all meta related websites like facebook, instagram in a seperate container. So the only data they can access is between their own websites and not the rest of my browsing habits.

TLDR: Please bring this extension for Android!


New member

If easy and intuitive to use---this would mark Firefox Mobile as the MOST recommendable search engine I know of.  It is already---in many ways---but this, I believe, would make Firefox TOO outstanding NOT to recommend.  It's rise to proactively recommend-worthy.

New member

Would love to see this implemented on android! I enjoy the peace of mind it helps provide on desktop so why not enjoy that on mobile?