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New member
Status: Exploring more

With the ability to move tabs currently in nightly it would also be nice to be able to group tabs the same way chrome does.

New member

Yes please, tab grouping is an awesome feature! After using Mobile Firefox fir a long time, I switched back to Chrome because I use it permanently. Would *gladly* come back to Firefox. Hope someone's listening @ Mozilla 🙏🏻

New member


Browser is good. But it would be nice if you could group tabs and swipe to previous and next page on android.

New member

Please add this feature to mobile! I can quickly and effectively manage dozens of open tabs on Chrome/Brave. Without tab groups it doesn't make sense to use Firefox for heavy (default browser) use.

New member

Like, the only thing that prevents me from migrating from chrome to ff is that on mobile there is no tab grouping...

New member


Making moves

FF mobile is basically unusable for me because it doesn't have this feature.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Been following this thread for a year or so now hoping to see updates. Adding my voice that I really hope this idea progresses soon!

This feature being on chrome and not on firefox is literally the only thing stopping me from switching my mobile browsing to firefox. I rely heavily on grouped tabs on desktop (multiple windows) and mobile (tab grouping) and I love the way that chrome handles mobile tab grouping. If/when this functionality gets added to firefox, I'll be switching over immediately! 

Even though it doesn't seem like any progress has been made, it's at least good to see activity in this thread. Keeping hoping, team!

New member

I literally use multiple browsers on my phone because of this. Please give us mobile tab grouping 🙏🥺

New member

Wanted to +1 and say that this would be an absolutely amazing feature to have!

New member

Just swinging past to point out that this lack, and the glacial drips of 'we're totes working on it' with zero progress for what, 3 years now? Is an embarrassment to the people who have worked on what is otherwise a fantastic product over the decades. This hasn't been a nice to have for a long time now, this is core functionality you have fallen behind in. It destroys any trust in being a user of the software, because what will the next critical lack be that gets sat on for this long? Please sort out your dev priorities before we're left with nothing but corporate browsers.

Strollin' around

This is such a necessary feature. It's honestly wild to me that FF mobile still doesn't have tab groups. Tab groups are such a huge part of my browsing on Chrome mobile and not having them on FF is a huge disappointment. I'd love to be able to switch over and take advantage of syncing bookmarks and all the other benefits like extensions and userscripts, but I just can't without proper tab groups.

New member

This is the only feature that stops me from switching from Chrome.
I need tab grouping in Mobile and I need to use the same app on Desktop and Mobile.

This is the 11th most voted on Idea (just 3 votes behind 10th), this is also just a fraction of the people that want the feature as I am sure so many others can't be bothered to vote on a feature for an app they don't use since it's missing such a critical feature. For something so critical for so many users, and voted so highly for so long I would expect it to either be marked as in development by now or closed saying they won't ever do it.

@JonAny updates that can be shared? Maybe conversations regrading this feature have happened but no updates have been made to this idea yet?

New member

Even have this option in two-way sync, able to see in desktop the tabs in other devices by groups or send a tab to a group from a device to another, or maybe something like Edge workspaces but instead of sharing the workspaces with other person, share between devices, in that way you can keep working in a group "session" no matter in which device you are.

New member

@ElAlecs That's not a bad idea, but we've been waiting forever just for mobile tab grouping. Maybe if they actually add mobile tab grouping you could make your own idea thread suggesting improvements like that.

At this point, I'd settle for an update on when they'll start working on it or if they changed their mind and won't do it. Anything outside of that would just be a bonus. @Jon any updates?