I think many people including me want to have the Japanese translation option for websites. I need to use now google translate for translating Japanese websites. And I don't like it to use every time google translate for that.
@JeppieThere is a powerful free of open source add-on called Simple Translate. It can do both word and website translation. Although it is also based on Google Translate, it makes translation way easier.
Jeppie said he uses Google Translate to translate Japanese websites. And many Japanese rely on Google Translate to read websites in English and other languages. But we are eager to translate without relying on Google. We hope that Firefox Translattions will save us from such a situation. I would like to see a Japanese translation option implemented.
Who thought it was a clever idea to restict the translator to just the EU and UK? We want East Asian languages too, at the very least Japanese and Chinese added. Come on!