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Making moves
Status: Delivered

It would be great to be able to match the built in PDF editing tools that Microsoft Edge has, specifically the highlighting and drawing tools. This is one of the reasons I can't use Firefox for working with PDFs.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for the feedback here! There are separate threads for some of these more specific requests:

PDF reader highlighter

Drawing on PDFs - Snap to straight lines 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Jumping in this thread with some exciting updates that are coming soon to the PDF editing functionality in Firefox. The team is working on supporting highlighting and commenting as well as adding images to PDFs. See the following threads for more info:

PDF reader highlighter 

Sticky Notes in pdf viewer 

Signature on PDF documents - using an image of my signature 

Keep on sharing those great ideas ๐Ÿ™Œ

Making moves

I hope pressure sensitivity for the Draw tool is part of the upcoming improvements. I'm back in school after a few years away; back then, I was a Windows user and found Edge pretty good for drawing on PDFs. I was disappointed to see Firefox doesn't support pressure sensitivity, highlighting, nor comments.

Strollin' around

The PDF tool is improving little by little which makes me quite happy but I can't but think it is still missing a few things.

When adding a note I think that the text size should be indicated with a number instead of an horizontal bar as it is now. This way you can reuse different sizes with precision across the PDF.

The text box should be resizable and the text should be adjusted to fit in the marked space once you are done writting.

Also, it should be added a feature to rotate either text or drawings as well as shortcuts to the drawing and notes features, I know there are some shortcuts for previous page, next page, hand tool, text selection, but the draw and text features deserve them too.

And my last suggestion is to publish a commented version of the PDF.js and viewer.js so the users can continue to expand the PDFs capabilities of Firefox, I've been struggling to modify some of the functionalities myself but the thousands of lines of code are a bit jarring to me and would be great to have a readable version of them.


@samozitethanks for the ideas!

Regarding the source code, it is organized, commented, and readable at

New member

Add pdf tools

Please add pdf merge and pdf editor into firefox. Also add highliter and page blure tool.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Kunik thanks for the great suggestions! To request specific functionality be added to the pdf tool, be sure to submit each idea individually so each one gets the proper attention. Here is more info on How to Submit a Great Idea in Five Easy Steps 

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Updating this to 'Delivered' as PDF editing has improved to now include drawing, highlighting (in Nightly and on way to stable release), and support for adding images...with more on the way.

If there is additional functionality you would like to see added, please submit individual ideas for each request. This always helps as our team explores how we can improve this feature.

We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you all here on Connect ๐Ÿ™Œ

New member

This would be a great feature!

Community Manager
Community Manager

A quick heads up...

We released highlighting in Firefox 125 and it's slowly being rolled out to all users.

Thanks again for your participation in improving the PDF editing functionality ๐Ÿ™Œ

New member

Please add this. It is yet not available in 2024.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@abhyudaya drawing and highlighting have been added - is there additional pdf editing functionality you are looking for?

New member


I'd like to thank you for PDF editing in Firefox !

I'd also like to ask for text stricking (or what ever it is named, I am not an native English) i.e. the ability to strikethrough words easily.

Maybe it's already implemented or "work in progress", but I didn't find it ...

Happy New 2025 Year !