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Status: Delivered

The ability to edit PDF documents is a welcome development. The disappointing part is that when it comes to the signature you have to actually draw it, and it looks horrible. With Adobe, I use an image of my signature ( from a photo I took years ago) and this image of the signature is dragged to the appropriate place on the form and pasted into place. I tried this pasting procedure using the Firefox editor and it didn't work. Surely this is something that can be made possible in future?

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Similar request for a signature option: Suggestion for the new PDF in Firefox 2023 - signature 

Making moves

Great idea! 

Making moves

Editor pdf di Firefox: manca strumento inserimento immagine, che รจ indispensabile (firma e altro)

Lo strumento disegno รจ abbastanza inutile e impraticabile quando si tratta di fare la propria firma, vien fuori un pastrocchio.

Confido che gli sviluppatori di Firefox a brevissimo tempo inseriranno anche lo strumento di inserimento immagine.

Grazie e buon lavoro a tutti gli sviluppatori di Firefox

Firefox pdf editor: missing image insertion tool, which is essential (signature and more) The drawing tool is quite useless and impracticable when it comes to making your signature, it turns out to be a mess. I trust that the Firefox developers will soon include the image insertion tool as well. Thanks and good luck to all Firefox developers

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(Note: a similar idea has been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around

As a generic request, paste an image on PDF sheet.

For example, my student use PDF reader with annotations capabilities and sometime they've to paste a picture I've drawn on the (real life) whiteboard (one student put the picture on Discord and other just copying/pasting on PDF). That mean to be able to use clipboard information (rather inserting from a file).


We are working on support for adding images to PDFs, we hope it will be ready in Firefox 119.

In the future, we plan to also support removing the background from the image so it looks more like a signature, and to support other ways to add signature (for example, typing as suggested in

Status changed to: In development
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Good news...

This is currently In developmentโ€”check out @marco's comment in this thread and stay tuned for updates ๐Ÿ˜€

Making moves

@JonShouldn't you change to done?


@Aftermathit is not done yet. If all goes according to plan, 119 will ship with the ability to add images on October 24.

We won't close this yet though, as we want to introduce first class support for signatures. For example, the ability to remove the background of the image to reduce noise (e.g. if you take a picture of your signature on a page and then you add it to a PDF, the background of the image would stand out on the perfect white of the PDF) and vectorize the signature (so you can resize it without losing quality).

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

This has been delivered โ€” and more ways to sign and manage signatures are coming soon ๐Ÿ™Œ 

Thanks again for your help in making this happen and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with you here on Mozilla Connect!

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New member

I just tried the option to import an image with a signature today and a strange thing happened : Once imported, the image is gradually expanding until reaching the right and left edges of the document. Even after trying to resize the image with the corner dots, it expends again. Impossible to manage the width. It doesn't happen with the height though.

Is it a common reported issue, and if yes do you have any idea if it is going to be fixed ?


@Chimp7505  it is the first time we hear about this bug. Do you see it only on specific PDFs and with specific images or with any PDF and any image? In the first case, could you share PDF and image so we can try to reproduce the bug ourselves?

New member

happens to me too *bug noted above*. use to not happen but now when i insert signature pngs or image pngs into my pdf and scale by any of the corners. the scaling freaks out and starts stretching horizontally or vertically. only fix ive found is fullscreening firefox. which is annoying as im on an ultrawide and have multiple things open for work.

New member

@marcohey just wanted to chime in, same issue for me with resizing dropped images. i use this for doc sigs and logos. when i resize from corner tabs, it will freak out and start infinitely stretching my image horizontally or vertically. only fix ive found is fullscreening firefox. which is annoying as im on an ultrawide and have many things open at once for work.