Thunderbird is amost the best email client now. It is very useful to keep Thunderbird running on background. Please consider to add an option to enable Thunderbird minimize to system tray when clicking close button.
I know there are some addons, however, as the comming Thunderbird 136, they fail to work. I hope this could be a native feature of Thunderbird.
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New idea
Submitted on
08:27 AM
Submitted by
08:27 AM
In the Awesome Bar (when you have the mouse cursor over a suggestion), be able to remove it by pressing the Supr key.
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The feature of suggesting bookmarks in the address bar is quite useful. However, there should be an option to hide certain bookmark folders from suggestions.
This would be especially beneficial during screen sharing, allowing us to exclude personal folders from the suggestions and improve the overall user experience.
Additionally, when a folder is excluded from suggestions in the bookmark manager by right-clicking, a small icon in the corner of the folder could indicate this status.
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In development
Submitted on
06:57 AM
Submitted by
06:57 AM
I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.
I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.
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New idea
Submitted on
11:08 AM
Submitted by
11:08 AM
Vertical tabs: icon size adjustable, double the actual size of today
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When opening a bookmark from the bookmark menu using Cmd + Click, the focus shifts to the new tab.
Expected Behavior - The focus should remain on the current tab, and the bookmark should open in a new tab.
This would improve the user experience.
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The new vertical tabs arrangement is an excellent step forward but with the current presentation based on a simple "flat" list of tabs the available display space runs out pretty quickly. I'd love to see a management / presentation approach similar to that used in "Tree Style Tabs" extension.
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It just helps with quick navigation. Right now I need to do ctrl+X to open the page, use the mouse to click on the chatbox, and then start typing.
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If I have my devices synchronized to my Account, if one of the devices should crash and lose all of its tabs, the other devices should be able to offer all of the previous tabs to be restored. The other devices should serve as backup sources of truth. Instead, today, you just synchronize the now crashed stated of a device, the other devices accept there are no longer any tabs, and everything is lost.
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Añadir la opción de personalizar miniaturas de vista previa para marcadores
Me encantaría que Firefox añadiera una función que permita a los usuarios personalizar las miniaturas de vista previa para los marcadores, similar a lo que ofrece Opera GX. Actualmente, cuando guardamos un marcador, no hay manera de asignarle una imagen de vista previa que lo represente visualmente. Sería genial poder elegir una captura de pantalla de la página o una imagen personalizada para cada marcador, lo que facilitaría la identificación rápida de los enlaces guardados.
Además, me gustaría que Firefox implementara una vista de cuadrícula para los marcadores, donde estos se muestren como cuadrados con miniaturas (thumbnails) de las páginas, similar a la experiencia en Opera GX. Esto no solo sería visualmente atractivo, sino que también mejoraría la organización y el acceso rápido a los marcadores, especialmente para usuarios que gestionan muchos enlaces.
Description: I would love that Firefox add a function that allows users to customize prior viewing miniatures for markers, similar to what Opera GX offers. Currently, when we keep a marker, there is no way to assign a preview image that represents it visually. It would be great to be able to choose a screenshot of the page or a personalized image for each marker, which would facilitate the rapid identification of the saved links. In addition, I would like Firefox to implement a grid view for markers, where they are shown as squares with miniatures (Thumbnails) of the pages, similar to the experience in Opera GX. This would not only be visually attractive, but also improve the organization and rapid access to markers, especially for users who manage many links.
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I'm not sure if this would work better as a containers idea, but I'd imagine it'd need significant browser engine support. The ability to natively allow an extension to run only on tabs/containers or globally would be a significant feature for me, especially when having to deal with multiple instances of a website and trying minimize the number of Firefox processes running simultaneously. Thank you for consideration
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In Gmail you have functions "Translate this email" and "Translate mails automaticly" I think Thunderbird may have this functions,too
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In the course of documenting communications the need to collect a large number of emails into a single pdf file has become common place. Currently, all efforts to select a couple hundred emails and send or print to file require that each email go to a different file. Also it is required that I time in each file name. This produces a set of files e1.pdf through e137.pdf that can be then combined into a single file. The whole process is extremely time consuming. (Presumable why some many lawyers demand such documentation.)
If someone could come up with or knows some quick way of combining a large number of emails into a single document it would be of great help. Even an automatic naming system so that I did not have to type in a file name for each email would be helpful.
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I recently switched from Google Chrome to Firefox. I do much accounting work and one nice thing that Chrome did was auto-select full numbers (including commas and decimals) when I double clicked anywhere on the number. For example, if I double click somewhere on "234" in "$1,234.56" on a page: - Chrome would auto-select "1,234.56". - Firefox only auto-selects "234". Firefox stops at commas and decimal points.
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I used to use a Firefox extension that allowed me to use extensions from other browsers, such as the "Chrome Store Foxified". It helped me a lot because it opened a window with countless options. Firefox stopped being my default browser when this option was discontinued. The possibility of importing extensions from other browsers is a determining factor in choosing a browser for me. I would like to be able to count on Firefox again.
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Please remove the small "mask" notification on incognito tabs. It's very distracting and annoying.
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about:preferences#containers My simple request is to make this list reorderable with drag-and-drop. For example, if I have 10 container tabs, and I add a new one, it goes to the bottom of the list. I would like to be able to drag them around to sort them so I don't have to delete them to change the list. When selecting a new container from the context menu in the tab bar, the order of this list is already respected. This would let users simply change the order without any hassle. Thanks.
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New idea
Submitted on
07:44 AM
Submitted by
07:44 AM
Good morning, I'm the owner of a Guest House in Venice and I manage my business using the PC because it allows me to have all the data in the same place, checking them online or offline. Thunderbird is my most important tool because it gives me the possibility to save some models of answer accordingly to the different requests of my customer. So I can reply in real time.
It happens that sometimes I must give immediate answer using the cellphone.
So when I come back home and I access to my Thunderbird I mark "as read" the messages that I've worked using the phone. The problem is that I'd need to know or to remember if I've replied to these messages...
For this reason I'd be very very grateful if you can add to the menu options the voice "MARK AS REPLIED".
It will be very useful to all the people obliged to work messages by PC and by phone too. Thank You a lot for Your attention. Giorgio Poletti B&B ROMANTICA VENEZIA
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Dear Thunderbird Team,
I am a regular user of Thunderbird and greatly appreciate its features and reliability as an email client. However, I’ve noticed that there is no built-in option to set Thunderbird to start automatically when my computer boots up. Currently, users like me have to manually configure this through operating system settings (e.g., Windows startup folder or macOS login items), which can be inconvenient and less intuitive, especially for those less familiar with technical workarounds.
I’d like to suggest adding a simple toggle option in Thunderbird’s settings, such as “Start Thunderbird automatically on computer boot,” to make this process easier. This feature would offer several benefits:
Convenience: Users could access their emails immediately without manually launching the app each time.
Consistency: Many other applications, including email clients, offer this option, aligning with user expectations.
User Control: It would empower users to decide whether they want Thunderbird to auto-start based on their needs.
I understand there might be concerns about performance or security with auto-starting an application. To address this, the feature could be optional (disabled by default), allowing users to enable it only if desired. Implementation could involve integrating with standard OS startup mechanisms, which seems feasible given Thunderbird’s cross-platform support.
This small addition could significantly enhance the user experience, making Thunderbird even more user-friendly. I hope you’ll consider this suggestion, and I’d be happy to see it discussed or voted on by the community.
Thank you for your time and for continually improving Thunderbird!
Best regards, Oasis Tian
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Hello world, The tabs at the top can be scrolled when you have more tabs than space horizontally. When entering fullscreen of a video in a tab in the same window, it will reset your scroll to have the be right side aligned. Changing the view can confuse people and adds extra time to scroll back to the tab that one was going to switch to. This behaviour should be changeable to not reset or to reset on left aligned.
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