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Status: New idea

Handshake seizes the rein of traditional naming systems, transferring the power of domain certification into your hands. Handshake is a decentralized naming and certificate authority that verifies the ownership of Web3 Domains. Handshake provides trust in an otherwise trustless environment. With Handshake, there is no need for a centralized authority to manage domains, since blockchain technology provides strong guarantees of ownership and authenticity.

Resolve solution of Handshake Domains in Firefox will onboard web3 to Firefox.

Problems for now.

DNSSEC not working, the HNS ROOT isn't DNSSEC signed & HTTPS doesn't work for now.
- "Stateless DANE" could fix it?

Info on resolve is here>

On project>

I'm not a Dev but I hope this is described ok .

Thank You.


Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Making moves

I hope what you say is true.  

RE "With Handshake, there is no need for a centralized authority to manage domains, since blockchain technology provides strong guarantees of ownership and authenticity."  

That would be nice.  How do you explain the various hacks into crypto currency, which stole away millions from others? (Not me, and not from me.) There must be some weak links in the blockchain.   Also, some human being must have invented blockchain, and must be in charge of maintaining it.  Likewise, AI as a useful tools must be predictable enough to be used as a management tool.  If it were not so, it would not and could not be used as a tool. Logically, therefore someone (possibly human) must be in charge of  deciding which results are desirable, and which must be discarded. Which would lead to modifications in AI, which again must be decided by human conscience.  A merely logical conscience is not good enough in the great scheme of things.  AI works within a limited set of rules, but it does not care about the outcomes. One the other hand, humans care about outcomes a whole lot. Not that humans are always reliable either, but, depending on your outlook on humanity, you may agree to some tiny, small or large extent, that the "logical outcome" often is not equal to the "desired outcome".


New member

Being the first to implement SANE ( will earn lifelong respect from the FOSS communities.

Browsers that currently resolve HNS (Masq, Aloha, Carbon,...) are using third-party services to do so. Firefox, by adopting a light client and SANE for secure HNS resolution, could truly be revolutionary.

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