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New member
Status: New idea

When searching in the History of visited sites, if you open a site, the History page is reset to the beginning and you have to search in a new way, and not from the place where the previously opened page was called. Terribly inefficient and annoying!

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New member

History - when opening something in history, create a new entry

This might have been mentioned already,

when i open something in the history of firefox that i looked up it removes the entry from that date and puts it in as in right now - can you please make it leave that entry there and creates a new entry ....

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Making moves

I think this is same idea.

[History of visited sites - Mozilla Connect](

Surprised that this is decade old issue.

[Firefox has the worst "History" function : firefox](


Making moves

I think this is same proposal, which is older. 

[History of visited sites - Mozilla Connect](

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: a similar idea has been merged into this thread)

New member

Same problem here - and it is really annoying, as sometimes I have to go through hundreds of webpages. This reset each time you open a new tab or window from the history makes the process really awful... #history #reset #tab

Strollin' around

Agree. It's surprising that history can be changed by re-opening an old URL. Probably this shouldn't even be called "history", right? It's just a list of old URLs!

It would be great to have a REAL history of what was visited.

New member

Browsing history

If you use Manage history window to browse your history you get some annoying feature while clicking on links listed inside. If I scroll this list down to find some old visited link and after I click on it, it appears at the top of list and the list automatically scrolls up. It shouldn't be so. Because if I found wrong link I have to search further. The link I clicked should stay highlighted and the list shouldn't be scrolled up.


Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

I wish I could hold CTRL down and multi-select the items that I want to then open in new tabs...

I do presentations and afterwards I want to send out an email to all the participants with the key pages visited, and the current history is a pain to use.

I did however solve it by selecting all entries in the history (CTRL+A), right-click copy,  then paste into a text editor, this gives me a raw list of all URLs.