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Strollin' around
Status: Delivered

Mozilla, why don't you provide us with relevant information when prompting for an update?
I long for times back when the link was displayed

New member

@StLBellsI think this got a bit garbled - no point in a link to the release notes page on the release notes page. I assume you meant the Download page - I heartily agree with that.

Strollin' around

While that would indeed be a good place to include a link to the "All Release Notes" page, I meant that there should (also) be one on the "Latest Release Notes" page for a new whole-number version.  The present procedure includes a link from a fractional version page to its immediate predecessor (e.g., from 96.0.3 to 96.0.2), but none of the single-version pages includes a link to the "All Release Notes" page.

New member

@StLBellsAh, I didn't know which 'release notes' page you meant. I find the Mozilla web site (and, to be fair, many others) very confusing to navigate.

New member

Of course, what would be really useful would be an extra button "What's New?" on the Firefox message advising us that there's an update.

Strollin' around

And how is an "extra button" different from the original suggestion to restore the previously offered link?  Both would go to the release notes for the new release being offered by the message.

New member

Not at all, I suppose - I rather lost track of the discussion. A senior moment.

Making moves

Suppose that when checking for Firefox updates (without automatic installation), notifications were received about the release of new versions, and there was also a switch / switch for this in the settings. I think a lot of people have thought about it.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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New member

FIrefox's update mechanism prompts me when there is a new update available, and asks me to make a decision, but doesn't give me enough information to easily make that decision. It should say more.

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 07.52.20.png

(I have "Check for updates but let you choose to install them" set, because I am always afraid of an update breaking critical work without my knowing or testing it.)

There are two pieces of information that I want that are missing from the "Update available: Download the latest version of Firefox" popup box, which offers "(Dismiss) [DOWNLOAD]" choices.

1. The first missing information is the version number FF proposes to update to. Knowing whether today's update is to 100.0.3 or 101.0 makes a big difference, because minor updates are much less likely to make major changes or break add-ons, and more likely to be security-related. Also, knowing the version makes it much easier to find the more information about the upgrade.

2. The second missing information is a link to the Firefox release notes, i.e. to or to the specific version release notes, like for FF 101.0. Generally speaking, I want to read the release notes before deciding whether to take the update RIGHT NOW, and figuring out when is a good time to do it. (And of course, knowing the version number makes it easier to find the right release notes)

Here's a rough mockup of what it might look like:

ff upgrade mock.png


Thank you!

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Yes - you make a very good point about 1) Letting users know what update it is 2) linking to the releases notes. Our team will review this idea and we'll let you know how we plan proceed! Thank you!


New member

Thanks! Also I apologize if my message seems weirdly context-free, I failed to find this topic when I searched, so created a new topic, but Jon properly moved it into this pre-existing topic.

Status changed to: In review
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with an exciting update…

This idea has been upgraded to "In review" which means it will be brought to our internal teams for review—learn more about The Idea Journey. As soon as we have another update on its status, we’ll let you know right here in the comment section.

Stay tuned 😃

-The Community Team

New member

Please!  If you have the time to post an 'update' - add the version number.  I've received 'popups' upon opening the browser...stating a new version is available.  I download the update and find, after installing the update, that I already have the update.  It should not be difficult for you talented folk to add the version number along with the update notification.  You use to do thatl..why the change?


New member

I would like to know with each new version (and there are often) what this new version brings or modifies.

When we accept, we don't know at all what we accept


J'aimerai connaitre  à chaque nouvelle version ( et il y en a souvent) ce qu’apporte ou modifie cette nouvelle version .

Quand on accepte, on ne sait pas du tout ce que l'on accepte
