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Strollin' around
Status: Delivered

Mozilla, why don't you provide us with relevant information when prompting for an update?
I long for times back when the link was displayed

Making moves

1- Link is ok, but current version and new version info is still missing on update prompt. Could you add?
2- 'What's new' link in 'About Firefox' window shows info for current version, it should also show info for new version as in update prompt. Could you correct it?

Making moves

I realized that Mac 117 has the link on update prompt, but Windows 117 doesn't have.

Making moves

Release Notes link for upcoming version

Is there an updated timeline for delivering the link to release notes for the


link on the About screen instead of just the one that's already installed?  FF said it was delivered in 116, but it wasn't.  Is it coming soon?

New member

I'm due time to will have available updates and cool links you can check out

Strollin' around

Found this Idea just now. It is not allowed to upvote it, so I upvoting it with explicit message.

Making moves

Fix FF update notifications to include version and link to release notes

Two issues:

  1. The About Firefox dialog box shows the current installed version and a link to release notes for the current version. It also shows an available version to upgrade, but no link to release notes for the new version.  This has been asked for for years, and FF said it was released in 116, but it wasn't.
  2. The Update available reminder popup has a link to the latest version available to be installed, but it doesn't provide any version information, not what's currently installed and not what version is available to install.
Making moves

(See attached images)

Two issues:

  1. The Update available reminder popup has a link to the latest version available to be installed, but it doesn't provide any version information, not what's currently installed and not what version is available to install.
  2. The About Firefox dialog box shows the current installed version and a link to release notes for the current version. It also shows an available version to upgrade, but no link to release notes for the new version.  This has been asked for for years, and FF said it was released in 116, but it wasn't.

Look at the third image. See how Thunderbird's About dialog box handles presenting both the existing and available versions as well as providing release notes for both (although consistency in naming would be a better approach. Call them both release notes rather than 'What's new'.)

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Strollin' around

"Whats New" should link to NEW update info, BEFORE installation. Or remove useless link.

The About page: I'm tired of the way it works. I have seen so many mentions for this, and still it persists.

The "Whats New" should link to NEW update info, BEFORE installation.
It isn't new if it's already installed. Change the link to point to Info about "NEWEST" version (release notes) thats about to be installed, not the current version we already have.

That's just an annoyance verging on trickery.

Or remove useless link, as we can search out that stuff by our own selves.

New member

I would also like to add that the LEARN MORE in the  DOWNLOAD UPDATE popup-linkpopup-dl-update-link.png
should refer to the page with the details on the NEWEST update instead of an older version, if you're more than 1 version behind. As I think *some* people do not want to update their browser each time a micro-update is released.

Imagine this scenario: user is on 130.0, LEARN MORE redirects to 130.0.1 info, user does not update. In reality, browser is already on 131.0, which the user would definitely want to grab.

It's an edge case, since you can easily see the real version in ABOUT FIREFOX, but I believe not every user looks there.


Making moves

Firefox menu: Help --> About Firefox

There we can see the changelog of the actually installed version, but when a new update is detected, and persisntely annouced many many times, inthat option, theres is no link to see the changelog for the new version that you may install.

Is it very dificult to add there also a link so we can see the new options or fixes included in the new version, before update?


In this thumbnail, new update is waiting to restart for update to 134.0.2, untill installation ends, theres is no link to review changelog before update, so we are forced to update to see those changes, fixes, new optiones, etc.



Making moves

You can suggest that at  Meanwhile, there's always to look at before updating.

Making moves

Thank you @siffemcon , that exact link is what I refer to, linkable on that same window on every firefox app.

Knowing about the changes before upgrading is more useful than knowing about them after, because you can decide if you need to upgrade or not before doing so, after that it may be too late, IMHO.

New member

Update information in the 'About Firefox - box'

For years I have been wishing that the 'About Firefox - box' below the install button for new updates () would show a link to the information about the new features of this version instead of showing a link to the (long known to me!) information about the currently installed and therefore outdated version ^^