as safari is based on WebKit and it allows extension, why this extension/ apps is not applied on Firefox. I mean in the same way as safari iPhone ( I know the full extension store Firefox is not allowed, but you could discuss with Adblock / AdGuard to apply as the same way as safari )
ps : why Firefox iPhone is able to connect to Firefox sync and not Firefox focus ?
I recently started using another browser "br..e" because it completely blocks you tube ads by default. All other ads are blocked with out installing any thing. I don't want to leave Firefox, well because f google, but i also don't want to have to manage 2 browsers because of passwords etc. If Firefox implemented strict ad blocking by default I would happily keep using Firefox as my default browser. The other browser works seamlessly out of the box, and i have only had to install 1 extension to get it where i want it. At the moment the other browser has a small market share, but because it works with you tube so well it is a bit of a game changer.
Hello everyone, and thank you for accepting me in this community. My idea is to finally have Firefox add the ability to add ad blocking lists, plus the native ad blocking lists it should have. Also, the ability, as other browsers have, to display a clear message when there is a MITM so that it never happens again, this for example: Another feature I would like to see is to add a proxy/VPN to the browser. As for security, I think Google Safe Browsing is totally unnecessary, so they should remove it, I think with extensions or a good DNS provider like dns0 is more than enough.
Built-in Adblocker for Firefox Computer/Mobile browsers
Hi Firefox Team,
I would really appreciate it if Adblocker functionality is offered by default in Firefox browsers. You can keep this in a disabled state by default where the user can enable it. I would sincerely request you to please look into it seriously. I am a big fan of Firefox and I see the market share of Firefox is declining continuously. I recommend my close friends who are tired of Ads to use Brave instead of Firefox. I myself added a couple of extensions to block ads where as my friends are not interested in adding extensions.
It is so disappointing to see a decline in Firefox's market share. I would request you introduce Adblock functionality in Firefox. if not, I am sorry to say Firefox browser gonna be a sinking ship. Apologies if I use harsh words. Because I am very much disappointed. I don't see any other options down the line if you don't consider introducing Adblock functionality I will also move to other browser alternatives like Brave.
Even Opera is increasing its market share YOY It is never the late. If you didn't introduce adblocking functionality as a default thing. I think the market share can keep on declining. Sorry, If I am not sounding nice.
I am very much disappointed because you're not even considering introducing Adblock functionality in any of your upcoming ideas implementations.
I believe a more Brave Browser like approach to the browser space would be nice; their ootb experience is far superior to Firefox & a more Brave-like approach would surely adhere to the Mozilla philosophy. To do so, i believe the first step should be to integrate an ad-blocker directly into the browser with good customizability & block-levels.
The downloadable extensions slow down the browser, have serious security risks, and have unconventional, complex settings.
already has the anti-tracker feature common in ad blockers, the goal is just to make it more complete to be sufficient.
The reasons against the built-in adblocker are currently unreliable. The built-in adblocker could be opt-out, so users can still choose to use the third-party extensions or not use an adblocker at all. This doesn't take away the user's right to choose. Since there are already many adblock extensions, it doesn't make sense that "Firefox could be more immoral", and even the built-in adblocker could add an "acceptable ads" option, etc. to make it more moral. Google still pays for Firefox's default search, even if there are many adblocker extensions on Firefox. And besides Google, there are other small search engines that would like to pay for Firefox's default search. If that happens, Firefox could get rid of its dependence on Google, and that's a constructive step forward