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New member
Status: New idea

I don't think I'm the only one who has this need, i think all tablet users - or at least most - prefer to use Firefox in desktop mode, because many web pages viewed in desktop mode are more complete and better formatted. 

Due to the spread of tablets, however, in multiple platforms, it also seems unlikely to me to be the first to present this idea . . .

So I wonder why even today Firefox for android does not allow the possibility to permanently set the desktop mode via switch.  

In order not to be misunderstood, I am aware of the existence of the "Desktop site" button and its use. Unlike the functioning of this slider, I would like that in the settings of Firefox for android there was - for specific use on tablets - an option that changes the user agent from mobile to desktop, until revoked.

I'm not thinking of a plugin that would still be highly appreciated, but of an integrated feature in Firefox.

Is it possible to consider this implementation?

Strollin' around

Adding another voice to this; Firefox for Android has been severely neglected in terms of proper tablet support, when even Google is making some efforts to make Android tablets and foldables more user-friendly for their screen sizes. However, because Firefox declares itself a mobile browser, much of that goes to waste; Google Search, for example, is incredibly frustrating on the mobile version, hiding certain search tools, showing fewer results that are grouped together, and ignoring or just not having settings which have been around for over a decade and are even synced via one's Google account (i.e., opening search results in a new tab).

If it weren't for the lack of extension support, and upcoming anti-adblock changes Google is pushing in Chrome, I would still be using Chrome (or at least a Chromium derivative) as my daily driver across all my devices, because this lack of a critical feature really is just that aggravating when using Firefox on any tablet I own.

New member
New member

Yeah, this feature is sorely needed. Foldables while probably not a huge part of the mobile market, are clearly here to stay.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Good news...

This is being worked on — stay tuned for more updates and keep on sharing feedback / ideas to improve Firefox 🙌

New member

Thank you Jon and rest of team. 


New member

this worked great until recently in Firefox Nightky. And then they broke it again. It's a pity.

Strollin' around

Wholehearted support

New member

I just got a chrome book, and I'd like the firefox app to allow me to view desktop by default. Mobile sites have text that is too large to comfortably view on my laptop screen, and manually switching to desktop mode is a pain.

New member

I am waiting for YEARS for this and nothing is happening. I saw that there used to be an addon but it does not exist anymore. There MUST be an option to remember the setting for each site AND enable it by default. DO IT FINALLY!

Strollin' around

For me personally enabling the desktop version is not something I would use overall.
However some sites are just broken in their mobile version, be it aliexpress not offering product tracking, Youtube missing features, or sometimes downright redirects to their app.

For these cases having a permanent toggle domain or subdomain wide would be the best, I would love to have it implemented as such. Alternatively have the show desktop version toggle be persistent for as long as a tab remains open would also fit this use-case. As it stands too often you get switched back to the mobile version.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all, we're aiming to land this in version 133. Thanks again for sharing your feedback and helping push this work forward. 

New member

Very good ! I'm happy to have contributed to the realization of an improvement.
There are others to suggest and integrate I will get in touch with new ideas

New member

@premsuser personally I feel like this feature is almost necessary when I use a tablet (or an Android TV box) and I want to use it like a PC with keyboard and mouse. If you never used Firefox in this use case you can't understand 😅

Strollin' around


> Hey all, we're aiming to land this in version 133

Indeed, since update to 133 Firefox on my tablet defaults to desktop rendering.

But I actually prefer mobile rendering.

Is there a way to opt out?

Strollin' around

Already found it: you can disable this new behavior in Settings / Site specific settings