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New member
Status: Trending idea

The main reason I still use Safari on iOS / iPadOS is that there are good ad-blocking options available to Safari but not to Firefox.

Firefox Focus seems to have a capable ad-blocker included, but this is not available for the standard Firefox app to use.

It would be great if Firefox included an option to use the Firefox Focus ad-blocker in its settings.

Making moves

How is it 2024 and Firefox is still the only browser on the App Store without any adblocker built-in?

If we are never going to get it, then can we at least get some options in Firefox Focus to stop it from automatically deleting our history, etc.

Not applicable

I am extremely disappointed with Firefox for iOS. The browser is bare-bones, does not block any ads whatsoever, and makes the browsing experience horrendous.

I do not understand why Mozilla bothers with this browser, taking into account that it is clearly not receiving any attention.

The most common trope on this theme is that Firefox for iOS is mediocre due to Apple restrictions, but this is an utter lie. You just have to look at what other companies offer to realise the WebKit excuse is not valid:

  • Brave: Several features, including an ad blocker and background YouTube audio.
  • Edge: Option to install Adblock Plus several more features.
  • Vivaldi: Adblocker plus more.
  • Arc Search: Adblocker on release day.
  • Orion: More extreme case, can install extensions from the Firefox and Chrome stores.



New member

I agree that it is time for iOS browsers, especially Firefox, to have as block capability on iOS. 

New member

I agree. It is about time Mozilla on iOS had ad block capability. 

New member

I'm using Firefox Focus as my Ad-Blocker for Safari and it works great.

You'd imagine that it would be natural for Firefox to use Firefox Focus the same way, but that's not the case.

But I hope this is the โ€œeasy wayโ€ to fix the ad-blocker issue on iOS for Firefox ๐Ÿ™‚


New member

Is this idea still ongoing? Given that itโ€™s now 2024, Iโ€™m sure this has been considered for some time, especially since browsers like Vivaldi, Brave, Arc, and Opera already have this feature.

Making moves

Built in adblocker on Firefox for iOS

The fact that the adblocking capabilities of Firefox on iOS are close to non-existent is I believe one of the reasons for its very poor adoption on iPhones. There's likely quite a few users of Firefox on desktop who aren't able to use it on iOS because using the internet without a proper adblocker in this day and age is pretty impossible.
For the longest time, I believed that this was due to Apple's restrictions and the fact that Firefox on iOS had to use WebKit, but Brave on iOS has a "Built-in 3rd party Adblock", a "Pop-up blocker", "Script blocking" and "Blocks cookie consent notifications by default." as per their own App Store page, and that's while still using WebKit just like Firefox for iOS. And Brave on iOS has much better adblocking capabilities than Firefox on iOS. So in that case, it seems that it's not a technical issue as much as an issue of funding and focus. Firefox on iOS always seemed to be somewhat left behind, with just minor improvements and bug fixes.

In this case, I think that Mozilla could and should focus on improving the adblocking capabilities of Firefox on iOS - this should play well alongside its current marketing of it being a "private, safe browser", and it should help with marketing it as an alternative to Safari and Brave.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

There are 2.5 years of frustration expressed in this thread regarding the lack of ad-blocking in Firefox mobile. Why isn't Mozilla doing something about it?

Making moves

This is LONG past due to be added to Firefox. 

also fix your forum here! Itโ€™s constantly asking to login via Google. ๐Ÿ˜ก

New member

So what happened?

Strollin' around

Can we please finally have an open source adblocker on iOS that's the only reason keeping me and people I know from using FF on iOS. Even Microsoft edge has a solid open source adblocker on iOS. There are a lot more people with phones if you want FF market share to grow you need to pay more attention to mobile. Firefox focus is no good for serious browsing it has no tabs and no sync and it's redundant just merge its features with FF.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

This issue has been getting comments for nearly 2.5 years, but no one at Mozilla seems interested in acting on it or even responding to it. You don't have to look any further to see why Mozilla's market share is stagnant. Please - it's a great browser. Don't let it fade away for lack of attention.

Strollin' around


I really want to switch from Safari on iOS, but without ad-blocking functionality, Firefox on iOS is pointless. No other feature, like synced tabs, etc., can make a difference if you don't have a built-in or at least extension-like ad blocker.

Please, Mozilla, make it happen.