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Familiar face
Status: Delivered

Unlike some other users, I'm a fan of the "Daylight" update to Firefox for Android in 2020. I think the new UI is slicker and easier than the competition, but from the beginning there was always room for improvement.

For me, my biggest concern with Daylight has always been the Add-On Compatibility, or lack-therof. I appreciate how Nightly allows me to curate my own Add-On Collection to try add-ons and use ones I like, but after a year and a half since Daylight launched I feel like expanded Add-On support shouldn't be limited to Nightly, especially since Nightly is, by nature, an unstable build.

I propose two solutions to improve Add-On support on Android.

1. Port over the current Custom Add-On Collection feature as-is to either Beta or Stable (this would include hiding it as a "secret setting" behind the Firefox Logo on the About Page).

2. Curate a larger collection of Add-Ons tested for compatibility on Android that could be given their own unique badging on the Add-Ons site, and in turn installable on any Android build of Firefox.

The former-most option would be the easiest to apply for the sake of those willing to use Nightly's fix, but the latter-most option would be more user friendly, improve user participation in the Android Browser's development (by allowing users to submit recommended extensions for Android similar to how the general Recommended badging works), and free up Nightly builds for testing Extension features that have yet to be perfected on Android.


Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Exciting news...

This has been reviewed and will be in development in 2023. Check out @KevinBrosnan's comment along with this blog post for more details.

Feel free to keep the conversation going here and stay tuned for updates 😁

-The Community Team

Strollin' around

This is exciting news. Thank you devs for hearing us out! 😄

New member

It would be really helpful if we get the feature to add custom Add-ons


Not applicable

The addition of extensions in the Android-app was a game changer. Though it's very bad that you can't install an extension from a file as you can on the desktop version.

Add the option to install extensions from a file.

New member

It would be nice to have the Snowflake addon for firefox for android. You can use the addon on pc but I want to be able to use it on android.

New member

Please let us install any third party extension we need on Firefox Android

Making moves

firefox add ons

Make firefox add-ons available on firefox android like you did with firefox relay. I think the mosted wanted are firefox-translations, facebook container and firefox multi-account containers.   

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jeppie heads up, there are also some similar requests here:

Firefox translations for android 

Multi-Account Containers for Android? 

Making moves

@KevinBrosnanis there any new info about the development?

Making moves


The sell-out developer of "I don't care about cookies" sold the add-on to Avast. Thankfully there's a fork though called "I still don't care about cookies":



Making moves

@MintMain21Totally agree about the need for far more add-ons with Firefox for Android. Also about:config was removed from Firefox from Android, which I used to enable First-Party Isolation, which is available in Firefox for Windows, but not Firefox for Android. Btw the Kiwi Browser for Android supports any add-on you want, although (a) it's based on Chromium and (b) I'm not sure how far it lags behind Chromium/Chrome as far as browser updates are concerned, so just a heads-up on that score.

New member

Someone told me that now Tampermonkey was added to the supported add-ons!

I don't understand why they took TM before the open source Violentmonkey, though...

And it's still not all the extensions, I'm still lacking Violentmonkey and Stylus.

I'll wait a little bit more in Kiwi browser with full extension support.

Making moves

@Jon @KevinBrosnan it says development begins in 2023 but is there a guess when it will release in nightly like late 2023 or somewhere in 2024 or maybe later.

New member

Please allow any addon to be added to firefox mobile.

If not, make a page where people can suggest addons and every week make the most voted compatible!

My suggest is Sponsorblock for youtube.