User Activity
To be clear, this comment is about the add-on "I STILL don't care about cookies" and NOT "I don't care about cookies".The scumbag developer of "I don't care about cookies" (IDCAC) sold out to Avast."I STILL don't care about cookies" on the other hand...
I just spent several seconds looking at a date and trying to decipher it.
As a Brit, I'm used to a day-month-year format, so today is 16/09/2023, i.e. 16 Sep 2023.
But in the US (anywhere else?) a month-day-year format is used, so today would be 09/1...
I have a lot of Tags associated with many webpages.
It would be very useful to be able to see all these Tags in one go without having to scroll left to right through the tags using the right arrow key, which is clunky to say the least. As well as slo...
In the UK, US and other countries, commas (and not dots) are used as thousands separators, e.g. 10,000 = 10 thousand (not 10.000).
The problem with this is that whenever a comma is used as a thousands separator in Firefox Bookmark tags, the comma is ...
Please make the add-on "I still don't care about cookies" available for Firefox for Android.I previously requested this for the add-on "I don't care about cookies" (IDCAC), but the developer sold out several months back and sold the add-on to Avast. ...