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New member
Status: Delivered

When an inbox (or folder) is empty, it might be nice to explicitly state this is the case in the message view area (in either Table or Cards View), similar to the message displayed in Outlook for example which says "We didn't find anything to show here" (see the attached image).

The Message List Header shows how many messages an inbox or folder contains, including '0' when there are no messages, but this can be overlooked or is not obvious enough, or might not even be visible if it is hidden.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

This was delivered in version 128.

Thanks again for sharing your feedback and ideas here on Connect ๐Ÿ™Œ

New member

Hello, please consider giving us an option at least to turn off this annoying new piece of screen clutter. It is distracting to constantly have to look at this "No message found" every time I glance at my inbox. I get that some people might want it, but you should also consider that there are always going to be longtime users who don't want their everyday UI messed with so arbitrarily, especially when the is no option to get rid of it. To me this piece of UI fluff serves absolutely no purpose other than to clutter up what should be an empty space. It's really irritating, PLEASE either get rid of it or at least give us the option to hide it.


New member

This is overkill and just clutters up the screen for no reason. There is already an indication the folder is empty in the folder list sidebar. At least offer the option to show or not show the message.


Making moves

I agree Noel.  I hate that huge banner.

New member

agreed.  please remove or make optional.

New member

This is a terrible idea! I hate it. I can tell if my inbox is empty. Please get rid of this annoying feature!