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Making moves
Status: New idea

When deleting cookies i would like to have a option to except some cookies to prevent logging in every time on the same websites like mozilla connect.  

Status changed to: New idea
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Yes. I usualy clear all cookies after quitting a browsing session. However I make a few exeptions, like keeping a dark theme on a few sites. The option to make exeptions for specific sites as you can on the desktop browsers are deeply missed.

If users could make exceptions for some sites, then I it would lower the threshhold for users to clear all cookies and the would probably increase both security and privacy for users as an side effect.

Making moves

@Jonis there any info of bringing this feature from desktop to mobile? It's just not fair that desktop users have this option but mobile users not.

New member

It could be deleted depending on visits made to the page it belongs to or if it is a page stored in bookmarks or by age.

New member

                           I would also like this. I don't understand why this isn't possible on Android. It's probably the only thing that keeps me from using Firefox as my main browser on Android. Imo, DuckDuckGo Browser is the best at implementing this feature with their fireproofing option. Right now on Firefox android,you either have to to accept all cookies or none at all, which in 2024, I think is ridiculous