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Making moves
Status: Trending idea

It would be great if there was a way to customize hotkeys.
Here's how I see it:
 * Have a about:hotkeys panel, with all actions listed, and already mapped shortcuts shown.
 * Whether these should be modifiable or not is up to the dev community, ideally they'd be.
 * When clicking on a hotkey field, ideally, there would be a capturing hotkey feature, or, before this, an AHK like syntax to define hotkeys (not as complex, something like: CTRL+H means this and MAJ+ALT+END means that...)

 * a restore to default button.
 * Done.

It can't be done with an extension because some function can't be accessed by extensions (I'm actually looking for a way to send tab to other device while browsing with TST.). Anyway, I believe this should boost productivity in a number of ways. You guys are devs, you know keyboards are faster than mice. 😛


edit: Corrected the typos, it's been bugging me for months now😅

Strollin' around

Frustrated today - someone asked me how to disable the sidebar (Ctrl+B) coming up when he wanted bold text.

So options - load up the extension 'Shortkeys' and disable `Ctrl+B` which would then operate for text as normal.

Shortkeys doesn't work now.

2nd option, let someone set their own shortcut for `open bookmark sidebar` with functionality to display when the bookmark clashes and give an option to correct either the current shortcut, or to disable or change the one with which it clashes.

Ctrl_Shift_B currently toggles the bookmarks-bar - which I don't need. I can get that to open in a new tab, so I'd like to set Ctrl_Shift_B for the sidebar-bookmarks and leave Ctrl_B alone.

New member

Bumping it so that it gets implemented faster. 😄

Strollin' around

So painful that this is still such an issue.

Using KDE, I can edit shortcuts for many things - and there are often conflicts to avoid.

Firefox is the proverbial fixed thorn which cannot be moved.

New member
Hopefully they will implement this function, in my case I would love to simplify the hide/show bookmarks bar cmd.
New member

in the past I tried customizing hotkeys and to my  frustration, the reddit community was giving mixed messages and so did google search/videos/other forums. with manifest 3 falling out this year and increasing gatekeep of chrome/opera store/addons, firefox with customizable shortcuts, you are our only hope, why hasn't this been done ten years ago? I do not comprehend. cheers and congrats on the pending influx of users

New member

Please I use arch and I am now on a window manager and I dont use the mouse at all, besides at firefox where is still need to use mouse and its so much slower with mouse. Please becuase the shortcut does not work anymore, creater stopped working on it and its should be your next main focus.

New member

I also would really appreciate this feature.

Strollin' around

Shift + Enter is the hotkey for opening the active link in a new window, but sometimes I'm still holding the Shift key from typing the capital letter when I hit Enter to submit the search. As a result the search opens in a new FF window. I am so tired of accidentally opening search windows in a new tab. For years I didn't even know why it was happening but I finally decided to look it up today...

Customizable hotkeys would solve this problem.

New member

I have a LOT of tabs open at any one time, so it's pretty annoying and also a little disorienting whenever I accidentally hit ctrl + 2 or ctrl + 3, redirecting me to a tab often entirely unrelated to what I was in the middle of doing, when I was simply trying to close a tab with ctrl + w.

I have never wanted to use ctrl + <number key>, so being able to completely disable all of those shortcuts would be a very welcome feature.

Strollin' around

Please support this feature. I really need it.

New member

Is there some particular strategic reason why virtually every command in Firefox has its own special keyboard shortcut EXCEPT FOR PASSWORDS?????  I go in and out of the page constantly and it is such a pain to have to go Command-, Preferences then click Privacy&Security, then scroll halfway down the page to Saved Logins.  Or else clicking on the 3line App menu on the right and selecting out Passwords from the middle, the ONLY one that doesn't have a keyboard shortcut.

New member

I really wanted to switch from Chrome back to Firefox but until something like this gets implemented it's a show stopper

Strollin' around

> I go in and out of the page constantly and it is such a pain to have to go Command-, Preferences then click Privacy&Security, then scroll halfway down the page to Saved Logins

I go 'Alt' for menu 'n' for settings and type 'login'.

Sometimes the Menubar is the shortest route...

Strollin' around

Keyboard shortcuts are often de facto punishments for people using Firefox. All people who type can and WILL make mistakes, especially with keyboards that are not sufficiently spaced for the hands of grown men! What happens when you mistakenly type a shortcut, including those you didn't know even existed? Irreversible, critically harmful events can occur, and sometimes the user does not even know it happened. Forcing this on users is UNACCEPTABLE. Incorrect messages can be transmitted, data can be incorrectly entered or deleted permanently, or data lost as like when a private window closes instantly (with no prompt available). Such things are terribly consequential, yet users are left to suffer with these punishments for choosing Firefox.

New member

HOW has this not been im plented yet?? The problem with hotkeys, ESPECIALLY the PiP hotkey is that it DOESN'T work on other layouts other than US / English layout!
This has been reported over 2 YEARS ago.
Guys, come on! This has been long overdue...