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Familiar face
Status: New idea

Before Firefox Daylight (79, fall 2020), the homescreen for the Android Version of Firefox consisted of a few customizable tabs, including Bookmarks and History. From daylight onward, the only homepage option was "Top Sites", with the option to both pin specific sites and prevent "recently visited sites" from appearing. As of Nightly 102, however, it is impossible to disable "frequently visisted sites", leaving the home page top sites as a hodgepodge of both pinned and "frequently visited". Top Sites can be disabled, but that will disable pinned and frequently visited alike.


Currently, the closest equivalent is "Recent Bookmarks", although this is not nearly as customizable as desired.


Some ideas.


1. Return the option to disable " frequent sites" without disabling top sites.

2. Further develop "recent bookmarks" into something more customizable, so that you could pin, for example, desktop bookmarks to the homepage.

3. Allow extensions to override the homepage like on Desktop, allowing for configurations developed by the community and users.


The foremost option is the easiest to consider, and would please me well enough. The second option would please pre-daylight users who long for the older workflow. The latter would be dependent on extension permissions and support on android, but would encourage user participation and customization.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

it would be so lovely to simply be able to use the homepage to show my bookmarks again. i don't understand the reasoning behind why this functionality was even removed to begin with. or maybe i just don't accept the reasoning, to be sightly cynical.

Not applicable

Collections should be eliminated, like a failed experiment, an underdeveloped anomaly.
Just replace them with pinned bookmarks and bookmark folders.

New member

Completely agreed. I use Bookmarks extensively on the Desktop and need easy, simple and direct access from the mobile when travelling and the current interface doesn't come close ... So much so that for my daily browser I still use v68 and have to switch to Chrome (shudder) when I need to be sure about security.

New member

Absolutely agree with the previous posts.

The best thing about earlier firefox was the ability to have your bookmarks on the homepage. I can't believe the devs removed that function. Guess I'll delete ff and use edge instead.


Strollin' around

Please implement this. I want to be in complete control of my new tab dashboard, the bookmarks that appear should be controlled by meโ€”only having an option to show recently bookmarked pages is insufficient, because recency โ‰  relevancy!!

Users should be able to have consistency and certainty in where their 'stuff' is located, and I think the fact that the desktop bookmark folders are always no less than 4 distanced taps away from the new tab page is makes accessing such menus unnecessarily uncomfortableโ€”Firefox sync is a super cool feature, why not make the content it synchronizes easy to access?!

Please give us a means of linking bookmark folders/menus on our homepage for easy access. I think an easy way to do this would be to allow a bookmark folder (yes, including its subfolders as a tree, at least as an option) to be pinned to the homepage as if it were a 'collection.' This would give us the simplicity and accessibility of collections while integrating it into the Firefox-synced mainline bookmark systemโ€”I believe that this would make the feature get used a lot more.

In fact, you could take it a step further: deprecate 'Collections' as a separated feature, instead migrating pre-existing collections to folders within the 'Mobile Bookmarks' folder and simply allowing bookmark folders/menus to be pinned to the homepage (again, as if they were collections. Maybe don't even change the name!)

New member

 bring back bookmarks on home page ffs

New member


After opening a new tab, It requires 5 additional taps just to get to the first level of toolbar bookmarks.

For something that I do very often, it is extremely tedious and frustrating.

New member

Got a new phone. Immediately installed latest Firefox. Tried creating something usable like the old bookmarks homepage but after a few days of frustration uninstalled latest FF and installed version 68.11.0 from Recreated all my old bookmarks and everythings good to go! Downloaded Firefox Focus for all those sites that complain about not using the latest browser. Com'mon Mozilla, listen to your customer base- bring back a bookmarks/ history homepage!

New member

Bookmarks are a pain to use on any mobile browser. Having the ability to add bookmark folders on my home screen would cure probably more than 90% of that pain.

New member

I absolutely agree. I switched from Chrome to Firefox mostly because of the ability to use addons (ublock) on Android. Consequently I also changed my standard browser on my desktop PCs. And I really like Firefox even though on the PCs for me it is neither a loss nor a gain compared to Chrome. But I was shocked to see that I almost cannot use booksmarks on my Android device anymore. The access to the bookmark section was already difficult in mobile Chrome, but in Firefox it is almost unusable (especially because there also is kind of a cascading subfolder structure of the bookmarks). I always find my self manually typing all internet addresses of my favorite websites.


New member

Bump. Surely this is a logical option.

New member

I want this so bad. I'm auditioning other solutions. C'mon Mozilla, this seems so obvious.

New member

The bookmarks situation on Firefox mobile is absolutely horrible, i want bookmarks on my homepage, REAL Bookmarks (The same as on the desktop, bookmark is bookmark no matter where i bookmarked it).

I really want to use Firefox Mobile but it is so fing annoying

New member

Bump. Using Firefox on the desktop and Chrome on the mobile/tablets until the bookmarks issues is resolved.