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New member
Status: New idea

I recently migrated from edge to Firefox.

I use windows 11.

One of the features I miss a lot, is to be able to press ALT-TAB to switch between programs, in edge, each tab shows separately and I am able to change tabs that way.

With Firefox, I can only switch between windows but not tabs.




Thank you!

Status changed to: New idea
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Strollin' around

I've been searching for this feature for hours now, and now I see that this is in the "feature request" state of development.


Making moves

I belive this kind of integration is available only with Windows + Edge combination, as both are developed by Microsoft. As far as I know, you couldn't achive it with any other browser on Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave, etc), as well as with Edge on any other operating system (MacOS, Linux, etc).

That's what they promote as a "seamless integration with Windows" in their browser. It makes me think such a request should be better adressed to Microsoft, in order to make task switcher integration API available for other browsers – but I highly doubt they will ever do it. It's in their spirit to promote a new product using the huge market share of another.

New member

Chrome does this as well. At least it used to.

A "similar" feature can be done with ctrl+tab. You have to go into the about:config to change the settings, but basically while you're in the firefox program, and enabled the setting, you can use ctrl+tab to "tab through" firefox pages..