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Making moves
Status: Delivered

The AI in sidebar looks good, but it would be really awesome if you add a shortcut for more usability. Clicking by mouse every time to open chat is very uncomfortable and takes long time!

Also it would be convenient to open some items from sidebar menu on the left side, whereas AI opened on the right side. Thanks! 

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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New member

The AI feature is integrated into the shared sidebar... and the fact that Firefox does not provides total shortcut control to the sidebar panels makes it very inconvenient to use when you runs extensions like vertical tab bars that occupy sidebar and is always on.

If we can freely assign shortcut to sidebar panels, it'll be very easy to switch panels, otherwise in most cases we can only choose one sidebar panel and ditch all other features that use the sidebar.

New member

1. Toolbar Button to open AI Sidebar.

2. Keyboard Shortcut to open AI Sidebar.

New member

+1 for AI Sidebar keyboard shortcut

Another option is a Sidebar shortcut, that opens the last used sidebar.

Strollin' around

What would be the appropriate key combination for that?

New member

A keyboard combination (maybe ALT-ENTER) for submitting the selected text to the LLM provider would also be nice.

So maybe CTRL-SHIFT-I (to open AI sidebar), it autofocuses to the text box, then ALT-ENTER to submit the prompt.

Strollin' around

@EliasAKCtrl + Shift + I is currently mapped to dev tools and I can imagine someone finds that useful.

Also that would break the Ctrl + "single-key" combination pattern for opening things in the sidebar, for example, Ctrl + B for bookmarks and Ctrl + H for history.

New member

An option add other AI tools to side bar is also needed, with current side bar we just have couple of pre-defined AI tools.

New member

Ctrl+Q isn't mapped to anything right?

Strollin' around

@Reqlo  Ctrl + Q is quitting Firefox, see here

Strollin' around

@ReqloCtrl + Q is quitting in Linux Firefox, see here

New member

For now, if you select Google Gemini for the AI chatbot, whenever you select any text on the web, a small popover appears to assist you with summarizing and stuff which quickly opens the chatbot sidebar and starts summarizing.

But yeah, a specific shortcut and toolbar option is still needed.


Hi folks,

the shortcut for the AI chatbot panel will be available in Nightly very shortly -

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Upgrading this to 'In development' — check out @asafko's recent comment in the thread for the link to track the work.

We'll of course update this thread as well.


Making moves

Having issues opening autofilling my password from my password manager, it uses the same shortcut. Tried disabling the AI side panel in the settings but the settings just gets turned back on.

Opened an issue with on Bugzilla #1927324.

I don't think the selected shortcut is a good one, a lot of password manager extensions use it for autofill.