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New member
Status: New idea


Maybe this is already possible, making this whole post irrelevant but it would be cool if you could basically "combine" two or more pages from your bookmarks and open them all at once.

Or if you could have this preset already in place.


I wanna open page x, y and z at once and maybe it can be done by dragging them and pressing some combination of keys to open them all at once.

Or maybe I press to open page x and it asks if I want to open page y and z as well since I often open them all at once.

Would be a neat feature and very useful when I do research for school and have to open several documents.

Status changed to: New idea
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you can open all bookmarks inside a bookmark folder

New member

It would be really great if in bookmark menu, we could open a bookmark folder or multiple selected bookmarks just by pressing ctrl+enter like it works for a single bookmark