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Making moves
Status: Trending idea

Why not make it possible to edit various context menus and browser menus in order to remove unnecessary options and add others
Edit Context Menu PageEdit Context Menu Page


Edit MenuEdit Menu


Tab Edit MenuTab Edit Menu



New member

Swapping menus' positions would be awesome! Especially ones from add-ons.

I simply want to make one add-on's button to be above all other add-ons' buttons

While "ability to remove them" would kill simpleMenuWizard for me personally, I don't mind it.

New member

this the screen I get on my laptop
I have sometime an item which is selected by its one
this makes me $%#@!!!

full of options I NEVER usedfull of options I NEVER used

Strollin' around

This would be a very welcome addition.

New member

I simplied conext menu would be great. The menu has gotten crazy and is full of junk items that noboday whom I know uses. On the other hand one of the most needed items "Mark as read" is missing. The context menu frustrated me so much that I switched back to MS Outlook which is sluggy, but has far better, user orientied menu structures.

New member

this should be a basic feature

Making moves

Vivaldi has had this option FOR YEARS. And it is a great customization options. Firefox should 100% include this option as a feature, even if it's hidden behind a about:config setting at least give us the option please. Thanks



For information purposes
Tutorial: How to create and live-debug userChrome.css

For example
Take a screenshot



#context-take-screenshot { 
display: none !important 


New member

Thanks a lot !
I will dig into that but it seems to me that if Thunderbird team want their product to be more accepted by lambda user they have to change this issue or to do like Google Chrome and make a scrolling window instead of a fix one for the contextual menu.

Familiar face

Please don't add an item to the context menu to edit it, do that in settings ! (In fact no matter, since we'll be able to remove it! 😉 )


To get it faster, I suggest to not take care about different possible contexts for the 1st version. We'll be able to post new ideas to handle them later.

- the complete list of all possible context menu items

- just one checkbox for each

- if it is checked, the context menu item appears in all contexts where it make sense

- if it is unchecked, the context menu item never appears

Is it fine for you ?


Of course, it's also needed for extensions, but I think it's better to be handled at extension level, not at the same place.


Making moves

Ability to choose what we want and dont want on our right-click context menu

I feel like we have too many duplicates of items in our right-click context menus (mostly the menu when right-clicking on a link).

For me, I don't need 4 different ways to open a link, I definitely don't need to save my links to "Pocket", and I only need 1 way to copy a link, not 2.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@davidsaylor there's a potentially similar idea already on Connect here: Ability to Edit Context Menus 

If that aligns with what you're asking, we can merge the two threads (and votes) together so the conversation stays focused in one space. Just let me know.

Making moves

yeah sorry i did indeed look before i posted.. just didn't see it.. but yea sounds exactly like what I'm talking about.. they could probably re-implement/use the same code as they used for the Bookmarks manager to achieve what we're talking about

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Community Manager
Community Manager

@davidsaylor all good, they can be tricky to find with all the different titles. The threads have now been merged.

Familiar face

Yeah, I rarely need to "Inspect Accessibility Properties," or "Email image," or "Set as desktop background." Would really like to get those out of the way, because when you use a lot of extensions, the menu gets inconveniently tall. More featureful context menu editing would be fantastic, but even merely being able to remove unneeded items would really help.