10-22-2023 06:33 AM
from is JohnB<name@address.com> You currently only look at what is between the <>. The spammers keep changing what is between the <>, but keep the same JohnB. So, the filters I make to block them don't work. Make it so the filter also looks at the JohnB part. That is to say, have the filter look at what is before the <>.
They are also clever in that the body only contains jpg files, so I can't filter for words in the body.
01-21-2024 10:45 AM
I've seen it work both ways, usually not where I need it to.
I don't see why there's a distinction - should be able to search on any text string within a field.
01-21-2024 07:21 PM
Thank you very much for the reply. I just tested it again and it now works as I requested. They must have put my suggestion into the newer version. Your reply got me to try again. Thanks