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Feedback: New tab layout change

Making moves

The new tab layout changing so that you have less flexibility to lay your common links out: sucks.

I used the layout to organize my developer resources, which are all in a continuous left-to-right string now. I would have deliberate gaps because how the items appeared were visually relevant. Development tools and websites on one side, internal links on the right, dashboards to various geographic regions down the center.

There were blanks, which I used for assisting in the visual layout and focusing the view. You removed the behavior to manually lay it out because...?

PS: Removing irrelevant links seems broken. I removed a link 15 times to have the exact same link stay in the same place. So it's not only changed for no reason (I couldn't find this reduction in customization in the change notes) but it's also broken (had to manually purge the history)!


Not applicable

No doing the shortcut link thing without asking the public 1st, shows they will so do as they please an not one bit care about the users!~
If they gave one shred of care, they like I said would of asked us 1st before launching such a MISTAKE!~