Strollin' around
since ‎05-02-2022

User Statistics

  • 7 Posts
  • 5 Ideas Submitted
  • 4 Kudos given
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User Activity

From time to time I receive Emails from friends with QR-codes containing geolocations. It would be great if Thunderbird would have an option to decode the content of such a QR-code, e.g. after hovering with the mouse over it. A left mouse click on su...
In the earlier version of #Thunderbird with the plugin Enigmail, the keys were stored in the gpg key ring Some specialists argue that there should be only one encryption key storage on a system and they advocate for the gpg keyring. I can't judge whe...
I just got a new OpenPGP key from someone. His old OpenPGP key was outdated. After I had added the new key and verified its signature and told TB about it, I still was not able to use it: I got an unspecified error message "Versand fehlgeschlagen!" o...
When using the key management function and inquiring properties of a given OpenPGP key, the dialog window is in general too narrow to show the whole fingerprint. That's quite unpractical, since parts of the fingerprint are hidden behind the right end...
I want to propose an improvement to the OpenPGP encryption part of Thunderbird:It is common, and even recommended, to attach your own OpenPGP key to every outgoing mail and sign it. (If you sign it, attaching the public key is the default anyway). Th...