User Activity
I just got the big email about the 'roll out' of TCP (total cooking whatever,) where malicious cookies are categorized and isolated somewhere; I hope it's on my computer. The thought occurred to me that rather than doing this, why don't we just elimi...
This has become problematic lately. Annoying. Click on ONE window to or tab to cancel it and the whole program DROPS to the taskbar, and I'm not finished with FF yet. What's causing this? Is there a way to fix it?!
FireFox has developed an extremely annoying habit of late of closing stored tabs arbitrarily. I customarily keep up to a dozen pinned tabs on the tab bar of sites I often access: news sites, custom search sites, weather sites, etc, and lately I hav...
First of all; I got this: Similar topics already posted; WHERE ARE THEY?! If you're going to post a friggin' message like this, PROVIDE A LINK!! I'm not searching thru hell's half acre LOOKING for it.Now, on to the main part of my complaint; don't kn...