I also don't seem to have my comments showing up (with one from way back in 2023 on a popular idea post "JPEG XL" is still awaiting approval.) Unsure if this will post. Maybe need to contact a mod.Edit: This showed up! Neat. I guess it's just ideas o...
Indeed, thanks VcSaJen! Honestly, the timeline is longer than expected, leaves a lot of time for derailment. (And mid-2025 seems so distant and deep into the abyss, esp. due to... politics.) But I'm just happy this is actively being worked on, in goo...
I'm not sure why Mozilla wants to die on this hill, and at this point I'm almost afraid to ask. (One or two lead devs vetoing? Google's influence?) Just communicate, Mozilla. Update us on this issue, that's so much better than nothing. Or, y'know... ...
Voted. Please revert this change, Mozilla. How does it make any sense? Overflow menu was perfect for all things we want hidden but easy to access (addons, tools).I find it hard to believe that the same team that has beautifully redesigned Firefox ove...
Please Mozilla, give it a shot. I've (we've all!) been waiting for a successor to JPEG for so long. I've tried many formats over the years but, long story short, nothing has been as efficient and polished as JXL. I think it is truly ready, now, to be...