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Hello.When will Mozilla fix this issues. this issue never fixed.on macOS m1 Pro 16GB. still Firefox is uses a lot of memory than Chrome and Safari. Just don't understand why Firefox uses a lot of memory usage just 3 tabs on new york times Firefox st...
Listen to the user's pain point and improve the firefoxNow days, firefox is slow and memory hog browser. It need to load page faster compare to Chrome it load slower. on macos Apple silicon M1 Pro 16GB ram firefox is memory hog just two pages it alre...
Hello latest firefox on mac are slower. they are slow loading page and startup. memory isn't friendly. Compare to Safari and Chrome. The firefox load page slower. Tested on Mac Studio M1 Pro 32GB ram firefox is kind a laggy. Firefox need to make fa...
Firefox on macOS is poor performance.1. Highly memory usage2. Webpage load slower than Safari3. Battery drain faster4. lag a lot mean not smooth. scrolling page up and down lag a lot. it annoys me a lot5. Firefox need to improve the performance on ma...
On Apple silicon macs the firefox performance aren't good. It's still memory hog and scrolling aren't good even doesn't support 120hz. Nightly version is tooo lagy. overall Speedometer 2.1 score is far beyond than Chrome and Safari. Firefox lose mark...