User Activity
Some attacks are based on sending e-mail (or any medium for links) with link contains misspelled name: for example - instead of Way to protect is simple: integrate URLBAR with a dictionary. Additionally show tags bellow parts ...
Google will disable adblockers. They do bad, but it has some possitive aspects, like greater security. Why? Because nothing could be men-in-the-middle and inject one's uri. What you can do? Best solution to allow use adblocker and stay secure could b...
I use short-right click to dismiss some UI elements in V2BlankBrowser. When right-mouse-button is long pressed instead, element menu is displayed.
I think, you could show url bar with navigation at top of tabs. URLBAR, navigation buttons with one's b...
It will be useful. I use many profiles on my Plasma5 desktop. Each profile are associated (one-to-one) with different activity. I often open tab in Firefox profile on Anything activity and them copy url and open tab with that url on programming/enter...
In place of wipeout private browsing data, allow to create ciphered profile.In this new mode, Firefox will create an new profile and generate two keys (one to decrypt, saved in some encrypted by user-provided password file, one to encrypt on close ac...