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Status: New idea

It would be fantastic to have a year view in the calendar tab. We have often longterm dates like campaigns which are in the next few years. To keep the overview the year view, formerly existing via add-on, is very helpful for us.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

This would be great if Thunderbird would be able to display a yearly with each row as a month and aligned by the day of weeks. So that every day can be seen and appointments/entries that are longer than one day could be shown as one single line over the days.

A very good and useful example is the software Essential PIM which I used to use back in the days when I was using Windows, because this kind of view really really helps in planning long term and easily keeping an overview of the year.

Please please add this to the new Thunderbird version ๐Ÿ™‚

And I would disagree, that this idea is similar to the one that Jon has linked in his comment ๐Ÿ™‚

New member

@juno77 wrote:

the overview the year view, formerly existing via add-on, is very helpful for us.

No more addon for now?

New member

The addon was abandoned by it's author, if someone wanted to take it over:

New member

@Agentvirtuel, this doesn't actually relate to the Year View in Calendar, which this topic is about.

New member

A year view would be great indeed, as this would allow us to plan events and have a snapshot of the year to come.

New member

A year view add-on for the TB Calendar is something very usefull not to say needed. It would more than good to have it back.

Strollin' around

I really miss a year view as well. Google Calendar has a year view. But it is a bit useless since it does not show events, only the calendar. ๐Ÿคท So having a year view AND showing the events would be a great addition. ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ