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Making moves
Status: New idea

In Microsoft Edge on the context menu there is an option to 'Define' a highlighted word or phrase. Example below is to 'Define Tectonics' -- note the word 'tectonics' highlighted below the context menu.


Click the 'Define tectonic' button and up pops a window defining the word. Note there is a button to 'speak' the word. Note also there is a further option to 'Search for Tectonics.'


Click the 'Search for tectonics' and a sidebar opens up, as shown below, that allows more words to be defined, the word or phrase to be translated into other languages, and presents further defined phrases for the word to be explored.


Making moves

In MS Edge I can right click on a highlighted word or phrase and click on "Define <word>" (as shown below). A very handy feature that Firefox could use.



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I am from India and does not have good vocabulary. Every time I am reading some article and come across some difficult word, I have to use "search google for" option. Instead, I want a "Look up" option like safari to see the meaning of word in pop-up not separate window. Due to this issue, I have no option but to browse a lot in Safari than in Firefox.  Please fix it asap. 

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New member

great idea. right click is available(?), easy and open "real estate" where some especially useful tools could be added.

Strollin' around

I absolutely agree, I LOVED this feature in Safari. I really hope it gets implemented in Firefox too! I wish I could give a thumbs-up twice.

New member

@Jonany extension that you recommend? I see a few but it looks like there are issues with them

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Community Manager

Great question @new_to_ff! Let me look around and see.

Also tagging @jwaterman & @Juhis here too, in case they have a recommendation. They both work a little closer to Add-ons.

Making moves

I have not used the English interface, you mean this↓? I also really like this feature. But it seems to work on other browsers too, so maybe it's not safari's own feature.

New member

I want something to be changed so that when I look up a word, any word, the DEFINITION of the word comes up first and primary instead of a movie or tv show of the same name. There is literally millions of movies and tv shows and 9 times out of 10 when I look up a word some obscure tv show from the 1970s shows up and then I have actually type you know "atonement definition" because if I just type "atonement" I get a Romance/War movie called Atonement from 2007. I believe the definition should be primary then they can add "movie" or "tv show" to find it.

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Familiar face

Try typing define atonement instead of just the word.   Search providers have for some time offered special terms to get definitions of words (Define),  translations (translate) and mathematical conversions (Convert).  My examples are taken from google, but bing offers similar except for translate it expects the statement to include a from and a to language.

New member

Word definitions feature - right click and select "look up" to get a definition of a word

Right click and select "look up" and get a definition of a word.

I'm trying to get away from Chrome. I don't like Google. I am TRYING to love Firefox, but it's missing so many basic things.

You can right click and select "look up" and get a definition in every other popular browser besides Firefox.

Chrome, Brave, Safari, Edge. They ALL have this feature. Why? Because it's a basic feature that should be included in every web browser.

This is seriously blowing my mind that this option doesn't exist in Firefox.

I searched around the web and everywhere tells me to install: "Google Dictionary (by Google)" Yeah, that doesn't exist.

Or to install: "Dictionary Anywhere" Yeah, that is broken and doesn't work.

The reason why people aren't using Firefox is because it is missing a TON of basic features. Like less than 3% of the internet uses Firefox. And I bet 1/2 those users are the entire Linux community.

Can we please just get basic functionality without having to search around for 10 different add-ons? Please?


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Making moves

@drgut101 wrote:

Right click and select "look up" and get a definition of a word.

I'm trying to get away from Chrome. I don't like Google. I am TRYING to love Firefox, but it's missing so many basic things.

You can right click and select "look up" and get a definition in every other popular browser besides Firefox.

Chrome, Brave, Safari, Edge. They ALL have this feature. Why? Because it's a basic feature that should be included in every web browser.

This is seriously blowing my mind that this option doesn't exist in Firefox.

I assume you're using macOS; that "Look up" context menu comes from macOS, which you can trigger by three-finger tapping on a selection in Firefox.

I know it's not ideal, there's a thread asking for adding the context menu to Firefox. You might want to chime in (and vote!)