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New member
Status: New idea

Ciao, sarebbe molto utile, almeno per me, avere la possibilità di scegliere quali account devono comparire nella cartella posta in arrivo Unificata. Questo mi permetterebbe, avendo come vista principale all'avvio la Posta Unificata, di avere sotto controllo solo gli account che desidero evitando distrazioni e la confusione causata da messaggi provenienti da account che magari si usano solo per cose meno importanti. Gli account esclusi sarebbero comunque presenti nella lista Posta in Arrivo e andrei a selezionarli solo se voglio. Praticamente basterebbe aggiungere un nuovo raccoglitore in cima dove ci sono solo gli account Unificati desiderati. Questa idea mi è venuta utilizzando una app per Android di nome Spark Mail che reputo la migliore in assoluto per le mail.


Hi, it would be very useful, at least for me, to have the possibility to choose which accounts should appear in the Unified Inbox. This would allow me, having the Unified Mail as the main view when starting up, to have under control only the accounts I want, avoiding distractions and the confusion caused by messages coming from accounts that perhaps are only used for less important things. The excluded accounts would still be present in the Inbox list and I would only select them if I wanted to. Basically it would be enough to add a new collector at the top where there are only the desired Unified accounts. This idea came to me using an Android app called Spark Mail which I consider the best ever for emails.
Thank you.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

I would just like to get all my IMAP accounts displaying new emails in a single unified Inbox. This seems to be only available for POP accounts. 

Making moves

Yes, massive bump on this. Here's a screenshot of the old system which was much more useful.

I have 3 folders selected to appear in the Unified Inbox, but all 5 of my accounts still appear in the dropdown so I can view the un-included Inboxes very easily as I need.

Screenshot 2023-10-22 221940.png

Making moves

For comparison, here's the new system in Supernova, which only shows my selected 3 folders, and the rest are absolutely buried in tons of unsortable dropdowns way down in the "All Folders" sections.
